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Microsoft’s most popular Lumia phone doesn’t get all the features of Windows 10

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lumia 520 ... ;;

Microsoft has been focusing on releasing relatively low-cost smartphones to popularize Windows Phone for years. These relatively cheap Lumia phones are also highly appreciated at the consumer level. But with the Windows 10 operating system update, Lumia phones with these less powerful hardware will not be able to take full advantage.

Joe Belfort, a senior Microsoft official, tweeted recently Reported, They’re also working on a low-spec Lumia device, but phones with 512MB of RAM may not get all the benefits of Windows 10.

twitter joe belfore

Mr Belfort did not say exactly what features of Windows 10 would not be available in these low-cost Lumia.

So far Microsoft The most popular Windows Phone device is the Lumia 520 So that there is 512 MB RAM. Similarly, there are Lumia 630, Lumia 625 and Lumia 530 – which have 512 MB RAM. So it can be said that not all the features of Windows 10 will be available in these phones.

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