Misconceptions about skin care – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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If you want to keep your skin healthy, beautiful and radiant, you should take regular skin care. With proper care, the skin becomes healthy, radiant and beautiful. And so many people do a lot of skin care. Use of scrubs and face washes, face masks and uptans, regular face washes, facials etc. But did you know that there are some mistakes we make about washing our face that are constantly ruining our skin? Yes, there are many mistakes that we make when washing facial skin that we should try to avoid. Only then the skin will be beautiful.

Scrub the skin for a long time
Scrubbing is much more important for the skin. This removes dead skin and removes dirt from the skin. But many people think that if you scrub for a long time, the dirt on the skin will be completely removed. This is a big mistake. Scrubbing the facial skin for more than 1/2 minute should not be done at all. Because scrubbing for a long time causes permanent damage to the skin.

Scrub the skin frequently
Generally, the skin should not be scrubbed more than 2/3 times a week. This is because excessive skin scrubbing can lead to problems such as skin tissue tearing and increased bronchial infestation. If you need to scrub your skin more, choose a daily scrubber.

Wrong water temperature selection
Many times after using various face masks or uptan, it is recommended to wash it with cold or hot water. Then we make a big mistake to use water at the right temperature. If you want to wash your face with cold water after using a face mask, you should not wash your face with too much cold water. Again, when it comes to washing your face with hot water, don’t forget to use hot water. Use very light or lukewarm water. Otherwise there is permanent damage like burning of skin cells.

Wipe the face with some hard fiber
Many people make the wrong choice of what they use to wipe their face after cleansing their skin. You should not wipe your face with a towel or cloth. Choose something very soft as a face towel or cloth. Many also use facial wipes and tissues when outdoors. This causes a lot of damage to the soft skin cells and the skin becomes rough. It is not advisable to wipe the face with facial wipe or tissue more than twice a day.