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Monsoon rain wet rash? Roil Home Magic – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • In the rainy season, wet skin is prone to rashes and itching, as well as stomach upset and diarrhea.
  • Eczema, infections, allergies are very common problems. All the itching is fun at first.
  • And that is what happens when it goes to extremes.
  • Earlier, an advertisement used to come on Doordarshan with the help of Jingle.

This time the digital desk: In the rainy season, wet skin is prone to rashes and itching, as well as stomach upset and diarrhea. Eczema, infections, allergies are very common problems. All the itching is fun at first. And that is what happens when it goes to extremes. Earlier, an advertisement used to come on Doordarshan with the help of Jingle. A special ointment gives relief in ringworm, ringworm, itching. At that time many people (especially children) did not understand why itching is needed again. If you take a little hair with nails. After growing up, however, they understood the greatness of the ointment.

I don’t know how many of today’s generation find that famous ointment in a container or in a tube. But yes, I can swear that itching is still prevalent in today’s generation. And in the health department, let’s talk about body itching. If we get permission, we can talk about the nature of itching one day or another.

It’s raining outside. The weather is humid. Even after washing the clothes, there is a faint smell. There is also a faint odor in the room. And in such an environment there is a tendency to itch the hands and feet. In many cases, as a result of rain, the skin gets dry and itchy in cold weather. Mosquitoes and insects grow in the rainy season and itching is also common. Allergy problems So there are many. Constant itching in certain areas of the skin often causes the skin to bleed and bleed. Many people also get black spots on that place. Young and old suffer more. So whatever the reason for itching, you can use some home remedies instead of using nails or hair. Get comfortable. With the skin will not be damaged. And this is a completely Indian Ayurvedic solution.

Such a sweet smile
According to ancient Ayurvedic science, honey is a disinfectant. The role of honey is very important in various skin problems. To keep skin and hair soft, honey is a good match. Regular consumption of honey increases the body’s resistance to disease. The skin stays good. And if you apply honey like ointment on the itchy part of the body, that place becomes naturally moist and the itching gradually decreases.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar works like an antidote for any skin problem. According to the National Eczema Association, apple cider vinegar is very effective in curing eczema. Although its use requires a number of precautions. This is because the use of extra apple cider vinegar increases the body’s acid levels. That excess acid is quite harmful to the skin.

Aloe vera gel
The best aloe vera gel to relieve itching or eczema. Aloe vera gel is perfect for treating any skin problem, not just itching. Apply aloe vera gel on cut, scaly, dry skin. He will recover very soon. Regularly apply aloe vera gel on the skin even if you suffer from itching. You will feel comfortable after the first use. Regular use of aloe vera gel softens the skin. Separate care is not required. You can apply the gel directly from the leaves of the tree and apply it. You can also use the gel sold as a cream in the shop. Gives the same result.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil works great to keep the skin soft and supple. Regular application of coconut oil on the skin eliminates the tendency of cracked or dry skin. As a result, the problem of itching or eczema also decreases. However, many people are prone to allergies to coconut oil. But they do not forget to use it. Hite will be the opposite.

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2021-06-23 14:28:57
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