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More than 3 lakh 44 thousand Corona have been released in 24 hours, the number of dead is 4 thousand

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Own report: Number of corona infections since yesterday. Yesterday, the number of corona victims was 3 lakh 72 thousand 728. The number of victims reached 3 lakh 43 thousand 144 in 24 hours. After being down for two days, the number of corona infections increased again! That figure dropped again today, Friday. However, it is not falling below four thousand. 4,000 people died in 24 hours yesterday. However, it can be said that yesterday’s comparison is less.

Is it possible to reduce the number of victims a little? Kejriwal said the lockdown worked. The number of victims has decreased. As it continued to decline, the light of hope was awakened, but again the number of victims increased. But that was bound to happen. Because, in many cases or even in the past year, whenever the number of corona infections has decreased, then it has increased a lot in one leap. However, the number of victims is believed to have come down to less than 4 lakh as a result of lockdowns, strict hygiene practices and issuance of new guidelines in different states. Besides, more than 160 million Indians have also been vaccinated.

According to the report published by the Ministry of Health, 3 lakh 44 thousand 6 people have recovered in 24 hours. Due to the new infection, the total number of infected has been 2 crore 40 lakh 46 thousand 609. Corona has been released 2 crore 69 thousand 599. The total death toll stood at 2 lakh 82 thousand 316. There are still 36 lakh 04 thousand 693 active patients. In other words, there was no change in the number of active patients.