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Motherhood at an older age! How late can you really get pregnant if you get pregnant?

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  • According to medical science, a woman between the ages of 15 and 30 is the most fertile.
  • But most women don’t want to take on the responsibility of bringing a new life into the world during this time.

This time living desk: For various reasons, women today prefer to be mothers at a slightly older age. Many people do not want to give birth to a child in their twenties like in the previous days. The main reason is that nowadays girls are just as busy outside the house as men. They are quite aware of their careers. So in order to get higher education and stability in professional life, they prefer to delay marriage and childbearing.

According to medical science, a woman between the ages of 15 and 30 is the most fertile. But most women don’t want to take on the responsibility of bringing a new life into the world during this time. Many people like to be a mother after tidying up a little. From a career point of view, it is very appropriate to be a mother between the ages of 35 and 45. But what is the body saying? Can the body take the stress of being a mother at such a young age?

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Find out how late it is to be a mother, then it will be really late.

According to medical science, 35 years of age is called advanced maternal age for becoming a mother. But even after 35 years without the help of any reproduction treatment Pregnancy It is possible. However, doctors are advising not to wait so long to give birth to a child. Because after the age of 30, various complications can occur in pregnancy. However, motherhood in old age does not mean that she has to go through complications. Much depends on how physically and mentally fit the woman is and how active her lifestyle is.

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Now if you are ready to become a mother with the help of IVF treatment, talk to your doctor beforehand. Judging by the physical condition of each woman, the doctor will tell her till what age she can wait to become a mother. Try to get pregnant in it. If not but it will be really late.

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2021-04-17 13:34:12
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