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‘My mother-in-law sniffs at us terribly’

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  • Some things in every human life must be personal.
  • Have your own privacy.
  • And this issue should be respected by all.

This time living desk: Even before marriage, Prithar used to have various problems with his mother-in-law. And in most of those cases, there was no reason. Pratha to give a peg in words. Although he did not accept the marriage with his son Sauptik at first, he accepted it later. If the boy plans to go somewhere with his wife, then I want to take him there too. This is how Pratha’s countless tours, dinner dates have been ruined before marriage. Still reluctant to leave the boy behind. A few days ago, Sauptik bought some cosmetics as a gift to Pritha. And seeing that, his mother’s face is absolutely a pot. Later, my mother also had to buy those cosmetics, but peace. Although Pratha did not pay much attention to these matters.

But it felt bad when he would make something special. He is the only one who will cook any food of the boy’s choice. He is the only one who has the right to cook a special dish on his son’s birthday. He would not even let Pratha enter into these matters. Meanwhile, as soon as the boy returned home, he would come and stay in the boy’s house. His habit of often raiding the boy’s house. On that day, Pratha-Sauptik’s trouble started by focusing on a small issue. Pratha screamed a little too much as her head was hot. Then Sauptik’s mother came and explained to the boy that he could not have a family with such a girl. Pratha doesn’t want Sauptik’s well-being. The situation escalated when he picked up Pratha’s family and stabbed her.

People have been living in joint families since childhood. It has been seen that mother-aunt-PCs are all working hand in hand together. In any event, everyone is united and making noise. No one has ever complained against anyone. Pratha was feeling bad after having trouble with her mother-in-law that day. He then told a senior member of the institute about his problem. Pratha started following her sister’s advice. He does not want the relationship to end in such a way.

In fact, there are many mothers who think that after marriage they have become sons. From now on, the bride will be given more priority. Don’t even look at his problems. They do this because of the mentality of keeping the boy close to them. And to them, a girl can never get a daughter. So if this is the case, then the mother-in-law can follow these tips. As-

Speak directly If this is the case, talk to your mother-in-law directly. Not by any means. Try to understand where he is having problems, why he is talking like that. Take steps like that. Even if there is a misunderstanding, the problem will be solved by talking directly.

Draw a Boundary- Some things in every human life must be personal. Have your own privacy. And this issue should be respected by all. Just as you can’t talk about everything, you can’t share it with everyone. Sometimes, some moments are very own. Explain this to the mother-in-law. Also tell her that you and your husband are adults. They will be able to solve their own problems. There is no need to blow his nose. And you don’t want any discussion on this.

Say it out loud like yourself- Say your words out loud. And there must be an argument in that. Don’t get in trouble unnecessarily. Instead, try to explain to him what your problem is. And do not pull the husband in it.

Try to maintain a friendly relationship- Try to maintain a friendly relationship with the mother-in-law. In this both sides have to come forward. Because no one wants unnecessary quarrels and unrest. For this we have to understand each other. As a guardian he must give advice. But it is not right to force your way into a boy or a girl. It destroys the relationship.

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2021-07-03 22:36:43
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