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NASA’s Curiosity Robot completes 1 year on Mars!

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United States Civil Aviation Research Organization NASA Robotic vehicle sent by Curiosity Today marks 1 year on Mars. The rover landed on the Red Planet on August 6, 2012 (August 5, geographically). NASA’s most complex robot was sent on a গে 2.5 billion mission to navigate the “Gail Crater,” where water was thought to be. Curiosity is “habitable in the past” about the environment from Mars Hinted.

What are the best achievements of Curiosity Rover?

In fact, Curiosity Each step is an achievement. The robot has collected more than 190 gigabytes of data by traveling 1.6 kilometers on the chest of Mars in one year. It has sent 36,600 complete photographs and 35,000 thumbnail images to Earth. It has also completed another 75,000 laser shots that have helped scientists analyze various components and collect samples from two rocks. Let’s take a look at the top 5 achievements of Curiosity.

1. Landing

Yes, the fact that the Curiosity rover was able to land properly on the chest of Mars is called the initial victory for the people of the earth. It was also a big challenge for NASA to be able to land such a car-shaped object weighing 2 tons on another planet as planned. This requires more complex sky cranes and the world’s largest supersonic parachute. For the sake of curiosity, this suffocating process. “Seven Minutes of Terror”Is mentioned. For the present generation it was another “man on the moon” type event.

2. Information about the existence of life on Mars

There is no end to the speculations about whether life exists on Mars, or whether it existed in the past. With these 12 months of experience and data, Curiosity Rover has sent a message to scientists that “the environment in which the robot moved was once habitable”; It contains essential nutrients such as sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and carbon.

3. The surface of Mars is red, but the bottom is gray

Everyone knows Mars as the Red Planet, but not all of it is red! Curiosity shows that the surface of the planet is reddish or orange, but the drilled part below it is gray. This color separation occurs when oxidation occurs in the iron part of the stone.

4. The atmosphere of Mars was destroyed long ago

You might be a little disappointed to hear that, with the help of Curiosity experiments, scientists have come to the conclusion that the atmosphere on Mars was unfit for life more than 4 billion years ago.

5. Traveling to Mars is dangerous for humans due to radioactivity!

If you are a fancy person, then you may want to spend your vacation on Mars. But Curiosity says you can’t go back to this earthly world (after vacation) if you go there. Because the level of radioactivity on the planet’s chest is so high that it can be life threatening for the human body.

However, the 2nd year of March Rover is about to start and this time too it will collect many more pictures and data.

Do you want to visit Mars? You can ask! Modern science may soon come up with a way for Divya to go to Mars and bring HD pictures full of mobile memory cards and share them on Facebook to surprise everyone! And we may publish those pictures with reference under the title “The first Bangladeshi Mars trip” !!!

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