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New symptoms of coronavirus, according to doctors, are more common in young people!

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  • Corona infections are on the rise all over the world due to the new strain.
  • Infectious energy is very high, and the deterioration of the physical condition is very fast in those affected by this new strain.
  • Experts warn that if not controlled in time, the outbreak could turn into a tsunami.

This time the digital desk: Corona infections are on the rise all over the world due to the new strain. Infectious energy is very high, and the deterioration of the physical condition is very fast in those affected by this new strain. Experts warn that if not controlled in time, the outbreak could turn into a tsunami. Killing This virus changes itself very quickly Due to this, different symptoms of infection are seen in infected people at different times In recent times, children and young people are becoming more and more infected. The number of infected youth is increasing day by day.

According to experts, various symptoms of covid are seen in young people. Dr Gauri Agarwal, founder-director of the Diagnostic Lab Genestrex Diagnostic Center, said young people were becoming more infected than adults. Young people have different symptoms of corona. As the virus spreads, so does the rate of mutation. This new strain is also infecting children.

The young generation is being attacked more in the country
Doctor Gauri Agarwal said that this time more youngsters are getting infected with covid. And with that, different symptoms are seen. Some people have different symptoms including gastrointestinal, red eyes, headache. None of them had a fever. As a result, the government has stepped up the covid test process and all children under the age of 18 will be vaccinated from May 1. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has also said that 75 per cent of new patients in the state are below 45 years of age.

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The second wave of corona is dangerous for children
Khusrab Bajan, a consultant at PD Hinduja National Hospital in Mumbai and a member of CDD-19 in Maharashtra, said: The second wave has become more deadly in the case of children than the first.

This time the infection is spreading very fast
Don’t kill, it is getting worse and worse all over the country. Even in terms of daily attacks, new records have been set. In one day, 3 lakh people in the country became infected with coronavirus. This is the first time in the world that more than 3 lakh people have been infected in a single day. Last year, the number of people affected by the first wave of Kovid in the country did not exceed 1 lakh. On April 5 this year, for the first time, 1 lakh people were attacked daily. Ten days later, on April 15, the boundary of two lakhs. One week later, three lakhs were released. According to doctors, this time the double mutant is spreading very fast among the people. In such situations it is best to wash your hands frequently, use masks and avoid crowded places.

Information courtesyNew India Times.

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