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Nokia made Android-powered Lumia before it was sold to Microsoft!

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nokia lumiaaarfdsfsdfBefore choosing Windows Phone operating system as the main mobile platform Nokia On the smartphone Android The OS was not unwelcome at all. But a few years ago Microsoft After the deal with the Android-powered Nokia handset in the market, the possibility of a lot faded. But the recent one in the New York Times Report According to Nokia engineers made some Lumia phones that run on the Android operating system!

Lumia On the phone Android That would be a big bad news for Windows Phone OS. Nokia “lost its life” in the hands of Redmond to avoid this risk of Microsoft.

The newspaper is quoting its own sources Sales to Microsoft for ২ 6.2 billion Long before that, Nokia’s mobile division was testing Android-powered phones. So, these incidents may have happened in 2012 or early 2013.

And after realizing this, Microsoft hurriedly bought Nokia’s mobile phone business. Because, 2011 agreementUnder the terms of, after 2014, Nokia could choose Android OS if it wanted to. And this is probably what the Finnish company would do to capture the market share. But where did Stephen Elp let it be?

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