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Nokia will take revenge on the smartphone industry?

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nokia-logo-34636 ..Nokia, the one-time mobile giant, is on the verge of extinction in the handset market today. From the entry level to the premium market, the Finnish company had a rhythmic wanderlust. But Nokia has not been able to keep up with its customers as it has not kept pace with the needs of the age. Some, however, blame the lack of proper leadership for this. However, for whatever reason, Nokia’s history in the smartphone hardware industry is not very happy at the end of the day.

Constantly losing market share Nokia Once made the deal Microsoft With In the midst of the struggle to turn around with the Windows Phone operating system, hope sometimes frustrated the company. But a year ago, one morning the breaking news came. “Nokia’s mobile division is being sold to Microsoft.” Then in April this year, the transaction was about 8.5 billion US dollars Is officially done. As a result, from the world of mobile devices Took leave One-time giant brand Nokia.

However, Nokia has not sold its patent portfolio to Microsoft. So this Finnish electronics company has not fully emerged from the smartphone industry.

The name Nokia will be involved in the mobile phone world for a long time to come. Because, they will tell their position with the mobile network infrastructure and mapping technology.

One of the strongest aspects of Nokia is its patent-intellectual property. About 40,000 patents related to mobile phones (including in process) There is Nokia. Of these, 6,500 are feature patents, and 30,000 are mostly basic technology. The number of patents for the company’s telecom or mobile network infrastructure is also around 6,000.

Nokia is the inventor of several essential technologies related to mobile phones. This includes networking, email, messaging, games, mapping, etc. When Nokia was in the business of making mobile phones, it took advantage of competing companies to use each other’s patents in the cross-licensing process by licensing several patents. Now that Nokia is no longer making mobile phones, Nokia doesn’t have to take licenses from other companies for those patented technologies. That is, they no longer have to worry about smartphone patent license fees. So Nokia will be able to bid the highest possible price for licensing their valuable technology.

Apple Nokia’s patented technology is also used in the iPhone. And for this Apple pays a fee to Nokia. In 2011, Nokia lost a large amount of settlement and royalties in a patent case Is willing to pay IPhone maker.

A recent report in a Korean newspaper reflects Nokia’s possible attack on Samsung, LG and other domestic companies amid fears that Nokia could seek a way to raise huge sums of money by licensing its patents after selling mobile phone hardware units to Microsoft. See that picture below.

nokia attacking imagination

The magazine Saying, Currently with their software-related patent licenses Android The device maker earns more than ২ 2 billion a year from the company. Now if Nokia also pressures Samsung, LG and other companies for their patents, it will be terrible. That is why the Korean government has drawn the attention of the Korean government to stop Nokia.

There are some guidelines for patent licensing fees. Some essential technologies get ‘Standard Essential Patents’ (SEPs), the fees of which are officially within certain limits. And the fees for special technology patents in the non-SEP category can be much higher. Nokia has these two categories of patents. And so some of the mobile manufacturers are now fearing that Nokia might ask them for exorbitant patent fees.

Will Nokia meet the old grievances of the smartphone industry? Will Nokia take the path of patent license fees and intellectual property lawsuits in an aggressive manner? After all, will Nokia take revenge on the mobile phone market?

That will be seen when the time comes. To know the latest news and analysis of technology world in Bengali Stay tuned. Thanks.

– Arafat bin Sultan

BBA (Finance and Banking), MBA (Finance)

Patuakhali University of Science and Technology

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