Lemon peel contains vitamin C and citric acid, which helps prevent bleeding from the gums and gingivitis.
* Lemon peel contains citrus bio flavonoids, which help reduce stress.
* Lemon peel is very useful to enhance the beauty of the skin. This is because lemon peel contains antioxidants, which remove toxins from the skin.
* Lemon peel contains salvesterol Q-40 and limonene, which destroys cancer cells. It also reduces the incidence of bacterial and fungal infections.
* Regular consumption of lemon peel increases the level of citric acid in the body. As a result, there is less risk of kidney stones.
* Lemon peel contains an ingredient called pectin, which burns body fat.
* Before going to bed at night, cut a few slices of lemon and sprinkle a little salt on them and leave it by your bed or by the window. This method will work as a kind of therapy. To increase attention as a strong aromatherapy long ago, Lemon to reduce stress level Being used.
* Lemon is very beneficial due to its pungent odor. As a natural repellent, it kills mosquitoes and other insects. So you can sleep a lot of peace by leaving a piece of lemon near the bed.
* Do not forget to remove the lemon slices kept by the bed or at home in the morning. Because after 24 hours, the effectiveness of the lemon is no more. In that case you can use those lemon slices to clean the kitchen sink or microwave or to clean the cracked ankle.
Lifestyle News in Bengali, লাইফস্টাইল খবর, Health Tips, Fashion Trends and Tips in Bangla
2021-06-02 19:14:54
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