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Not the father, the mother’s intelligence increases the child’s! Proven in the survey

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This time living desk: Everyone is faced with the question of whether the child’s behavior, temperament or traits are the same as the mother’s or the father’s. Not only the nature or the behavior, but also the eyes, ears, nose, mouth or hair, in all these cases, we find the similarities between the faces of the parents. However, studies have shown that a trait that a child inherits from his mother. That trait is intelligence.
Can’t believe it! However, there are several scientific explanations behind this claim. Children inherit intelligence from their mothers, not from their fathers.

I often hear a sentence. One educated mother educates the whole family. This is true. The child acquires from his parents the IQ level and other characteristics equally – this is acceptable. However, a genetic study has shown that he gets special intelligence from his mother.

A survey report on the subject has been published in the journal Psychology Spot. A sample survey was conducted in 1994. The survey was conducted on 12.7 people aged 1 to 22 years. They were asked about race, level of education, socio-economic status. The same question was asked to the mothers. Analysis shows that the intelligence gene is associated with the X chromosome. This is again the main female chromosome.

Another study related to this in 1994 found that since the number of X chromosomes in females is twice as high in females, it is more likely that they will pass that intelligence gene on to the offspring.

How intelligent and clever the baby will be is determined by the genetics of the mother. The father’s genes, on the other hand, have little or no effect on the child’s intelligence.

Science has also shown that intelligence is a kind of ‘conditional’ gene, which usually works when transmitted to them through the mother. On the other hand, conditional and other knowledge-based genes are subdued or inactive when it comes to the father.

Again, according to experts, in most cases mothers play a major and primary role in the care and upbringing of the child. As a result, mothers are most affected by the complex stages of their development. Influenced by the mother, their brain develops.

Intelligence is a broad concept and can be influenced by a variety of factors. According to science, 40 to 60 percent of intelligence can be inherited. But the residual rate is determined due to some surrounding factors. How much a child is emotionally attached to his parents also determines their intelligence.

There is no doubt that an active parent can develop a child into an emotional person. According to science, an emotional mother and her presence significantly increase the rate of intelligence in children. Emotional parenting influences children’s intelligence, cognitive intelligence, personality, and rational thinking.

It is good to have a lasting and emotional relationship with a parent. If your IQ level is good or if everyone is intelligent, then who do you know to thank?

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2021-06-07 16:12:06
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