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Often going to throw food? Learn how to prevent food wastage

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  • It is not just money that is being wasted as a result of food wastage.
  • It is also affecting the environment.
  • Because wasted food is being thrown away.
  • Where it decomposes and produces methane gas.

This time living desk: One-third of the world’s food production is wasted or wasted due to various reasons. According to the data, about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year. This statistic of food wastage is a matter of great concern.

Developed countries like the United States consume more food than developing countries. In 2010, the average American wasted 99 kg of food. Such information was obtained, on behalf of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

So if you think that there is no reason for you to worry about wasting food, then change your thinking now. It’s time to think.

It is not just money that is being wasted as a result of food wastage. It is also affecting the environment. Because wasted food is being thrown away. Where it decomposes and produces methane gas. It is the second most common greenhouse gas. In other words, you are also playing a role in climate change through food wastage.

Not only that, but a lot of water is being wasted as a result. According to the World Resource Institute, 24 percent of agricultural water is wasted every year through food wastage. About 45 trillion gallons (about 160 trillion liters) of water are wasted in this way.

But with a few simple steps, we can all save food from being wasted.

Shop thoughtfully

Many people buy more food than they need. Buying a lot of food at the same time saves money. But studies have shown that shopping in this way increases food wastage.

To reduce this tendency, go to the market once a week and make it a habit to buy food every 2-3 days instead of buying more food. Before you go to the grocery store, check to see if the items you bought in the past are gone. Make a list of essential food items and do not deviate from it in any way.

Store food properly

Improper storage can also result in wasted food. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, two-thirds of households in the United Kingdom discard rotten food. Many people are not aware of the proper way to store fruits and vegetables. As a result, many fruits and vegetables ripen prematurely and begin to rot.

Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers and onions should never be refrigerated. All these fruits and vegetables should be kept at room temperature. Ethylene causes food to ripen quickly and begin to rot. Bananas, avocados, tomatoes, cantaloupe, peaches, pears, and onions begin to ripen, producing ethylene gas. So keep the above foods away from ethylene sensitive fruits and vegetables like potatoes, apples, vegetables, berries and various colored Shimla Lanka.

Learn to save

While fermenting or pickling may seem like a new approach to food preservation, it is not. Food has been stored this way for thousands of years.

The process of preserving food by mixing vinegar or brine has been practiced since 2400 BC. Pickling, drying, canning, fermenting, freezing and curing can all be used to preserve food for a long time. This will reduce food wastage. Not only this, with the help of fire you can do welding. Most of these conservation processes are simple and fun. For example, apple sauce can be made with ripe apples through canning. Again you can mix carrots with vinegar and leave it for long time use.

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Give up trying to be a perfectionist all the time

The hassle of buying fruits and vegetables to look the most beautiful and chic actually paves the way for food wastage. Many people want to buy fruits and vegetables that look perfect and best. As a result, the fruits and vegetables in the shape of tarabanka, with common defects, go to the cancellation register. Eventually they have to rot and be thrown away. There has been a tendency to sell slightly defective fruits and vegetables at discounts to prevent wastage. So whenever you go to the market, keep this in mind.

Keep the fridge clutter free

Out of site, out of mindEveryone is familiar with this sentence now. This sentence also applies to food and chess. Even if a refrigerator full of food is good, give up the tendency to keep food stuffed in the fridge. Because it increases the chances of wastage. Arrange food in the fridge in such a way that all the food is in front of your eyes. The FIFO method is the best in this case. That means first in first out. Even if you already have apples or vegetables at home, if you buy those fruits and vegetables again, put the new box behind the old box. This will make you remember to use the old fruit first. Reduce waste.

Put leftover food in the right way

Many people forget to leave the leftover food in the fridge. As a result, they are also ruined at one time. If you put leftover food in a glass container instead of a steel container, they will be in front of your eyes and you will remember to finish it first. This will not only waste food, but also save your time and money.

Eat the husk

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. The shell contains the highest amount of nutrients. Apple peel, chicken skin — these are all rich in multiple nutrients. Not only this, potato, carrot, cucumber, mango kiwi, eggplant peel can also be eaten. This will also reduce the tendency to waste food.

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Eat egg yolks

Many people drop egg yolks to eat foods with low cholesterol. However, studies have shown that the effects of dietary cholesterol on cholesterol levels are minimal. The liver produces the necessary cholesterol. Eating a high-cholesterol diet lowers cholesterol and keeps the liver in balance. Above all, Kusum is rich in various nutrients. Studies have shown that even if someone has high cholesterol, they can eat yolks without hesitation. However, if you do not want to eat kusum directly, you can mix it with any other food.

Save the seeds

Many people throw away the seeds of Kumuro. But did you know that pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and minerals? Which keeps blood and heart healthy and can control hypertension and blood sugar levels. So after cutting the pumpkin, dry it without throwing away its seeds. Then bake it with a little olive oil and salt. Acorn and butternut squash seeds can also be eaten in this way.

Make a smoothie and drink it

In the case of small families, it has been observed that small vegetables or pieces of fruit are kept in the fridge due to making many vegetables at once. They are of no use later and have to be discarded. So for some reason, if a piece of carrot, beet, banana, or any other fruit is left over, make a smoothie without throwing it away.

Enhance the taste of water

Many people do not drink enough water. One of the reasons for not liking the taste of water. But you can make your own drinking water delicious. Mix apple, some citrus fruit or cucumber peel in water and leave it for a while. Naturally, their taste will remain in it.

Eat as needed

Many are overwriting. Apart from that, many people start sweating to finish it with more food at once. Most people just throw away the food. So take small meals. This will reduce the tendency to overeat and reduce the risk of overeating.

Use the freezer to store a variety of foods

Keeping food in the freezer is one of the best ways to store it. No one likes to make salads with softened herbs, fruits or vegetables. In that case keep them in a freezer safe bag. Later you can make smoothie or any other term with this. If there is too much herb, mix garlic and olive oil in it and put it in an ice tray and freeze it. You can use it with any vegetable. Surviving soup can also be preserved in this way by making ice cubes.

See expiration date

Many people are confused about the two terms ‘sell by’ and ‘expire on’. Retailers are told through ‘Sale Buy’ how many days the food items have to be sold or removed from the shelf. If ‘Best Buy’ is written again, the buyers will finish it within that date. However, there is no indication that the product cannot be used after the date mentioned. However, if you give a date by writing ‘Use by’, you will finish the meal within that date. Because it is not safe to take it after that.

Compose if possible

You can compost the leftover food chess or fruit and vegetable peel and use it as fertilizer. If you have a garden or kitchen garden, compose food. You can use it for plant yields.

Also use coffee powder

Many people cannot start the day without coffee. Many people have the habit of making coffee at home with a coffee bean. In that case, after making coffee, use the coffee bean powder without throwing it away. This powder can also act as an excellent quality fertilizer. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, which are very important for plant growth. Coffee powder also works to repel mosquitoes. Again, if the coffee powder is spread, the female mosquito cannot lay eggs.

Do beauty treatment with fruit and vegetable peels

You can make them for free at home instead of using beauty products with chemical products. Facepacks or scrubs made with natural ingredients will not have any side effects. You can make a face pack by mixing honey with overripe avocado. It can also be used as a body scrub by mixing sugar and olive oil in coffee powder. You can also make a scrub with pineapple peel. You can try to get rid of eye ink by cooling it without throwing away the used tea bag. When you start to dry the cucumber again, you can cut it into rounds and put it on the eyes to cool the eyes.

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2021-04-24 17:15:08
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