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Ongoing Pride Month, extend your hand of love to your LGBTQ friend.

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  • Homosexuality is now valid.
  • Lots of gay couples are happily married.
  • Yet somewhere our mentality still remains in the dark

This time living desk: June every year around the world LGBTQ This month is celebrated every year as a month of pride as the community respects their right to life. Pride month is all about how they snatched their rights, the history of their movement, their acceptability. This month is very instructive for all of us. Because this month teaches us to be generous. Teaches to think freely. Teaches to be proud of your own love and affection. Pride Month is reminiscent of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion in New York. At the time, New York police often raided queer bars. Because homosexuality was forbidden then. On June 26, police opened fire on some homosexuals. After that, a parade was held in Stonewall to protest the police brutality. Since then, Pride Parade has been celebrated all over the world on this day every year. People from the LGBTQ community have been fighting for their rights since 1989. Their fight against the right to marriage, the right to adopt children, family and discrimination continues today.

Homosexuality is now valid. Lots of gay couples are happily married. Yet somewhere our mentality still remains in the dark. Transgender people still have problems accepting society as healthy. Our attitude towards them is not normal. The mentality of harassing them is much more in people.

Educate yourself- It is our education that is responsible for our intolerance towards LGBTQ people, bad behavior, bad language mentality. If the mind is not educated, if the mind is not generous then nothing can solve this problem. And education does not mean that it has to be scriptural. Educate yourself in social studies.

Put everyone on a scale Every man is different in his own way. Everyone has a different entity. With that, everyone has the right to live. And so let people live voluntarily. Do not leave any negative comments. Do not induce suicide. Rather love them more.

Give them time on their own – Every human being needs some time of his own. Space is required. You must give them this space. Stay by people’s side. If you can’t do good, don’t try to do bad. Give wisdom. Never push him into darkness.

Open your mind and live- A lot of things happen around us. Feel a little open and observe everything. Life will be much easier. It’s time to dump her and move on. The boys also want to cry. Boys also want to dress up. Every human being is as beautiful as him. So don’t put any tag on my LGBT friend. Instead, look at him as a human being.

Talk, protest – If you have a member of your family or a friend like that, you must be by his side. Support him. If anyone speaks against him, stand up. Don’t stop. Give your friend a chance to talk. Put your trust in him so that he can easily express his thoughts and feelings.

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2021-06-07 17:53:31
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