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Oracle CEO’s allegations against Google ‘not true’ – Eric Schmidt

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eric skimidtAbout using Java on Android Google Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s recent harsh remarks about the role have been met with a response from the web company. Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt called Ellison’s allegations “simply untrue.” Blown away. Allison said Google On Android The manner in which Java is used infringes the copyright of Oracle. Mr Ellison described the web firm’s CEO, Larry Page, and Google as “dishonest” for doing so knowingly.

However, there has already been a লড়াই 6 billion legal battle over the application of Java to the Android OS, with Oracle losing. The opposite is true when it comes to claiming compensation Google To incur unnecessary lawyer costs On the oracle Court imposes 1.13 million fine

And in response to the re-aggression on the same subject, Eric Schmidt politely said: “Although we usually avoid public debates with other companies, I have received many questions about Larry Ellison’s remarks that we have (in fact) taken Oracle’s assets (illegally); This allegation is not true at all – and it is not just me, but the judgment of the United States court.

In that case another issue arises that no person or organization can ever copyright the structure of the language / API used in the intercommunication of any computer program. Eric added that while the idea of ​​adding two numbers is not copyrighted, the API issue would not be subject to copyright.

You must also remember, in 2012 Android Oracle went to court demanding huge compensation from Google for using Java in the operating system. Although Java was developed by Sun Microsystems, Oracle bought Sun in 2010 for 6.4 billion. As a result, this data center specialist company also gained ownership of Java.

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