You are currently viewing Passed 90.41% in JSC-JDC, 98.98% in Primary, 95.96% in Ibtedayi (2014).

Passed 90.41% in JSC-JDC, 98.98% in Primary, 95.96% in Ibtedayi (2014).

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jsc jdc psc exam result 2014

The results of 2014 JSC-JDC and Primary-Ibtedayi and equivalent final examinations have been published in Bangladesh. This time Passed 90.41% in JSC-JDC, 98.98% in Primary, 95.98% in Ibtedayi. Has done.

Eighth Class Completion (JSC-JDC)

69.75% students have passed in JSC under eight general boards and 93.50% in JDC under Madrasa Board. This time 1 lakh 56 thousand 235 people got GPA-5 by combining JSC-JDC.

Last year, 69.61% students passed in JSC and 91.11% in JDC.

Completion of Primary Education (PSC)

This year, 97.98% of the fifth class students have passed the final examination of primary education and 95.98% of the students of Ibtedayi have passed.

Ways to know the results

Bella Half past After 12-1-1 Results can be known by sending SMS via mobile phone.

From any mobile phone to know the result of completion of primary education DPE With space Thana / Upazila code number With space Roll number With space 2014 By writing 16222 The result can be known by sending an SMS to the number.

To get the fruit of ibtedayi EBT With space Thana / Upazila code number With space Roll number With space 2014 By writing 16222 You have to send an SMS to the number.

Visit to know the results of online Primary Education Completion (PSC / Ibtedayi) examination Or Direct this link. Besides This site of Teletalk The results can be known from.

The first five digits of EMIS code number of government or registered private primary school should be used as upazila / thana code. Besides, upazila code can also be found in the registration paper of the examinee. Or if you want Download Thana Code (PDF Document) from this link Can do

Result of 8th class Education Completion (JSC-JDC) examination

To know the result of JSC from any mobile operator go to message option JSC Or JDC (Whichever is applicable for the examinee) with space The first three letters of the name of the Board of Education (E.g. DHA for Dhaka Board) With space Roll number With space 2014 By writing 16222 You have to send an SMS to the number. The result will be informed in the return SMS.

Besides The results can be found on the website and from the sites of the respective education boards.

Detailed rules for knowing the results of SMS and online You can also see us in this post.

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