You are currently viewing Patuakhali’s ‘online IT solution’ working to spread IT across the country

Patuakhali’s ‘online IT solution’ working to spread IT across the country

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Online IT Solution

Online from Patuakhali, South Bengal As an established organization based on propaganda Name earned “Online IT Solution”; As well as service improvements and the web Based business Introduced across the country. The chief executive of the company is telling the reason behind this initiative AKM Mukitul Hasib (Tanjil).

Here is the text sent by Mr. Tanjil for the readers of

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. All praise is due to Allah Ta’ala.

A dream whose path is in 2013. In the whirl of time he is now much more mature. I started my journey with that dream with courage and desire in my heart, fear in my mind and two eyes. At first I was alone, then 10/11 people joined me, I had the courage to stay by my side. Encouraged. This time the work will be much easier. Suddenly, when many obstacles came in front of me, I lost everyone except one. I did a lot for them, I wanted to build my own. I was a little upset when all the efforts and hardships went in vain, but that one gave me the courage to move on. A dream drawn with two eyes is like shouting “Dreams will never die”. Today there are many riders in the dream house saying that it is time to go, I have learned much more than expected.

Today the dream has grown in the love of some people. Many friends have become dream companions along the way. It’s nice to think, they love to dream like me.

And yes, I have given a dream name “Online IT Solution”. It’s a love affair. Who has been able to keep the love? Listen?

Move forward

In the beginning the users and students of our services were disappointingly low. We then started the campaign through our own website, Facebook and other social media and friends. Many times big obstacles have to be dealt with. Activities have come to a halt. Even after that I did not stop. We have tried our best. Then in early 2014, when I found out that the Bangladesh government is going to start the Freelancer To Entrepreneur (F2E) program, I got a sigh of relief. Courage was further enhanced by his subsequent participation in the F2E program. Where the government is with me, all the obstacles to fulfilling the dream seem insignificant today.

Current status

The two of us were at the beginning of the journey, and our service was just web design and development.

At present we have 12 more people with us. I have developed their skills in various subjects. In addition, every month 10-15 students are enrolled in our courses and gaining skills by working in the freelancing marketplaces.

For those who live far away or cannot learn to work due to lack of money, we have arranged free online learning and 24/7 support team. Where 500+ people are trying to acquire skills with our help in various fields.

Currently our services

  • Free and low cost computer related courses
  • Any type of web site design and development
  • Domain and hosting
  • Bulk sms
  • Mobile apps development
  • SARS engine optimization
  • Corporate training
  • Virtual desktop at low cost

Future plans

Our main goal in the future is to provide employment to 120 people instead of 12 people. In addition, for those who are learning for free with us online, 500+ courses related to computer and freelancing have been introduced by skilled and professional trainers of international standard.

Advice for beginners

For those who are new to this world, start by knowing and understanding well before you start anything. He needs to do research on the market. Don’t stop. Learn to work well without running after money and make yourself skilled. Then money will find you.

Our identity


Name: AKM Mukitul Hasib (Tanjil)

Surname: MD & CEO

Educational Qualifications: BBS (Hon’s) & MBS (Final) Accounting

Skills: Professional IT Trainer, Web Applications & Modules.

E-mail: [email protected]

Mobile: 01676437719


Name: Md. Shariat Ullah (Reunion)

Surname: IT Manager

Educational Qualifications: Diploma in Computer Engineering (3rd year)

Skills: Web Design & Development, WordPress Theme Development, SARS Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Freelancing, etc.

E-mail: [email protected]

Mobile: 01742784513

Contact address

Online IT Solution

51, Raushan Ara Manzil, Sher-e-Bangla Road, Patuakhali.

Mobile: 01743619

E-mail: [email protected]


Writing and Photo Credit: AKM Mukitul Hasib (Tanjil), Online IT Solutions.

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