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Periodic problems with coronary headaches, what does the survey say? Learn.

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  • Menstrual problems are increasing during the coronary period.
  • There are differences in time, there are also quantitative problems.

This time the digital desk: During the coronation Period problems (menstrual problem) Growing. There are differences in time, there are also quantitative problems. With a couple of months of delay or not, the fear of miscarriage is increasing. Experts claim that the clinics of several gynecologists in the city are getting more and more crowded with such problems lately. Some people do not go to the clinic again for fear of infection, but they are keeping in touch with the doctors by phone.

The side effects of corona (covid) are more of a distraction than a person’s misdirection. Because everyone is afraid of infection Stress (Stress) increased. Anxious people are much more cornered. Eating-sleeping-exercise, all the rules have changed drastically in the lockdown. His life has been affected. As he grew up, irregular periods. When the normal biological process suddenly stops, various problems also occur in the body. A recent study found that although covid is cured, girls are suffering from irregular periods and multiple problems related to periods. One more thing, many people are gaining weight from home at this time. It is also a cause of irregular periods and stress.

What exercises should be done during the period? Learn, expert advice.

What are the problems?
1. Premature onset of period.
2. Unbearable pain in the abdomen.
3. Not starting the period on the due date.
4. Sometimes the period stays off for up to two months.
5. The period ends after the first two days.
. Someone’s period lasts up to 9 days.

If coronary (covid) causes more stress, not only the noise of the period, but also many more physical and mental disasters can occur in girls. So find a way to keep yourself light. Recently, many women have been suffering from irregular menstruation in Corona. In some cases, the date is moving forward, while in others it is behind Someone is having very little menstruation, while someone is having so much that it is difficult to cope The researchers said that although it is not known exactly how this happens, it is true that stress increases the function of the hypothalamus in the brain. In whose hand is the load of the pituitary gland, which controls the ovary And ovarian function being random means that the female hormones vary Fruit, period noise 7 Sometimes it starts with hair loss and acne Someone loses weight 6

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2021-05-31 16:24:54
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