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Pictures of the Rana Plaza disaster received the World Press Photo Award

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Final Embrace (see image) Click here)

World Press Photography Competition for World Press Photography Received the award Picture of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi photojournalists Taslima Akhter and Rahul Talukder have been awarded the award for bringing up the heartbreaking picture of the humanitarian catastrophe after this horrific building collapse.

As the first Bangladeshi woman in that competition in the spot photo category single photo category Taslima Akhtar came third. Apart from teaching photojournalism, she is also an active member of the women’s movement. The title of Taslima Akhtar’s award-winning film is ‘Final Embrace’.

Collaps of Rana Plaza (Click here to view the image)

Third place in the ‘Photo Stories’ section of the same list Right Another Bangladeshi photojournalist Rahul Talukder.

See one more picture here

He He worked as a photographer in an online newspaper called ‘Bangladesh Sangbad 71’. The title of Mr. Rahul’s pictures is ‘Collapse of Rana Plaza’.

This year’s ‘2014, World Press Photo of the Year’ was won by US photographer John Stanmeyer.

world press photo 2014 1stSignal

The first prize went to that film Can be seenAt night on a beach near the city of Djibouti, African migrants are trying to catch the mobile network in neighboring Somalia by holding up their mobile phones to talk to their relatives at low cost. Residents of Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea who migrate to Europe or the Middle East for a better life travel to Djibouti. This image is named ‘Signal’;

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