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Planning to stay together? That is something that must be discussed.

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  • From the very beginning, no one thinks about breakup, divorce, betrayal.
  • Although the number of divorces has increased these days, no one wants a quick divorce.
  • Can’t even accept it from the mind

This time living desk: Everyone has a dream to organize their life in their own way. Because every human being grows up with his hobbies and pleasures. We get different experiences and lessons from every stage of life. One age makes us think one way or another. Although there is no instinct in today’s girls to make a family in that sense, everyone wants to be as good as they are. Want to be happy with your spouse. From the very beginning, no one thinks about breakup, divorce, betrayal. Although the number of divorces has increased these days, no one wants a quick divorce. Can’t even accept it from the mind. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person after 14 years. The couples of this generation are all emphasizing on mutual understanding. If the understanding between the two is good, the problem is less. With that we need each other’s support. And before they decide to stay together, they think about several things but seriously. E.g.-

How much do you value each other- In today’s world, both boys and girls are equally important. Everyone is equal in the workplace. At the same time, both of them are coping with the same rhythm inside and outside the house. And so mutual respect, love is very important. Never take your partner for granted. Respect his decision. Respect his work.

Go for a walk together- Even if they have been in love for three years, if they never go for a walk or spend the night, they will never know each other. So if you want to stay together, then go for a walk together. When you spend the night together, you get to know each other a lot. At the same time mentality can be understood.
The love of couples of the same age is more lasting! Do you know the reason?
Also talk about finances- Money is very important to be happy. Nothing happens in this life without money. So talk to each other beforehand about the financial aspect. Who will save where, who will spend and discuss these in advance. Otherwise there will be a possibility of unnecessary unrest later.

Talk about children- Many couples nowadays do not want children. I want to organize my life like myself. Many are forced to bring up children again under the pressure of family and home. It is entirely up to you to decide whether to bring the child within yourself or not. Talk about it beforehand.

You can live together- Many lovers nowadays decide to stay together before marriage. They decide to stay together only if they see that there is no difficulty in getting along. So be sure to stay together for a while before getting married.

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2021-06-13 18:13:55
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