Playing this mixture daily will increase immunity – Kolkata24x7

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Kolkata: For more than a year now, since the Corona epidemic has become a direct part of our lives, we have learned from the media and physicians that this deadly virus infection can prevent the body’s immunity or immunity from increasing.

Currently the upward corona graph. Every day a record number of people in India are infected with this virus. There are already reports of hospital beds and lack of oxygen. The situation is getting worse. Experts and physicians like to take steps to increase immunity by using masks, using sanitizers, frequent hand washing with soap and maintaining physical distance rules to keep yourself well in this condition. But now the question is how to increase immunity?

Immunity can be enhanced by the food we eat every day. Foods rich in vitamin C, zinc
Foods that contain high amounts, as well as many more foods are present which are our immunity
Increases. Today there is a need for such a combination to increase immunity
Which is very easy to make at home and playing will increase immunity.

Materials: Half a tablespoon of anise, 1/4 tablespoon turmeric powder, 1/4 tablespoon cumin, 1/4 tablespoon
Joan, 1/4 tablespoon whole coriander, 2 cloves, 1/4 tablespoon ginger powder.

How to make: Roast all the ingredients except turmeric powder and ginger powder in a pan for 10 minutes. Now blend it in a blender and mix ginger powder and turmeric powder in it. Now take this mixture with half a spoon of rose water mixed with warm water to go to bed at night. Playing regularly will definitely increase your immunity. Besides, you will also become healthy.

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2021-05-12 15:09:43
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