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Potato-garlic also takes care of your skin! – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Very surprised to read the title? Wondering what to do with potatoes and garlic, these are useful in food and cooking! Yes, these vegetables and spices can be a great tool to get beautiful skin! Using these simple things at home can get rid of your various skin problems, such as black spots on the neck and neck, acne, premature wrinkles, etc. But how to use these? Let’s find out in detail.

Garlic is also good at maintaining beauty

Garlic is rich in vitamins A, C and E which are very effective in removing acne and many other skin problems.

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Gently rub the juice on the acne and wash it off after ten minutes. The antiseptic ingredients in acne will soon eliminate acne slowly.

Make a face mask by mixing half a teaspoon of corn flower, half a teaspoon of sandal powder with a little lemon juice, fresh garlic paste and raw milk to prevent premature wrinkles and get oily skin. Then use it once a week. You will see the result in a blink of an eye

Get bright skin in potato

Potatoes are not only vegetables, but also great face masks and scrubbers can be made with potatoes. Potatoes are a very good ingredient, especially for dry skin.

To clean the face, cut a slice of potato and crush it, then rub it well and apply it on the face. Massage for four or five minutes. Diameter, then see what a clean shiny look you have.

Take potato paste or potato juice to remove black spots, mix a little raw milk with it. Apply this mixture on the neck, throat, etc. When dry, wash. After a few days of use, the stains will fly away.