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Reaching the age of forty, girls expect everything from boys.

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This time living desk: Not in the forties. Rather, find your love anew. People learn something at every stage of life. People get involved in everything from childhood to education, one’s career, job, personal life, family. Learns the value of life. For a while, most girls cared about everyone. Think about how everyone will be better. Keep very little time for yourself. At which point they think of themselves. Keep yourself happy. Staying out of the house for the first time, studying in a hostel, managing work responsibilities, arranging everything on your own – all these levels teach a lot to every person. There is also pressure on a daughter to get married and have a family. So at the doorstep of 39, the female mind became a lot. Standing at this stage of life changes their thinking. Their demand from any man also changes then.

Up to 40 years, all the girls go through different experiences. And then the first thing they want from a man is honesty. They want their partner to judge his every emotion, his mental state with his honesty. They are reluctant to fall into the trap of any kind of false persuasion or temptation. They do not like any kind of childish behavior.

They are reluctant to fall into any trap

They are reluctant to fall into any trap

Don’t want to be compared with 25 year old girls

The mentality of a 25 year old girl and a 40 year old girl is completely different. A 40-year-old girl doesn’t see life the way they want it to. Among the 25-year-olds, there is a tendency for divorced boys in their forties to get married. But 40’s girls want boys to become a lot.

He takes love seriously

Women of this age do not play with love. They like to take men’s love seriously enough. Love is very special to them. They love men from the bottom of their hearts. Do not keep any shortcomings.

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Not romance all day

25-26 year old girls are always full of romance and passion. To them love means holding each other all the time. Give me time. Listen to each other. Life means colorful love to them. But for girls in their 40’s, things are different. They give priority to their own life, their own work. They want someone in life who understands the importance of space.

Love is not a child's play

Love is not a child’s play

Not a game

Forty women don’t want anyone to play with their minds. At the same time, they do not want to give that opportunity to anyone. Because they do not have the mentality and time to waste time. They can easily catch any kind of drama, deception. They know very well what they want. As a result, they do not allow any such man to enter life.

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2021-05-24 13:49:07
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