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Remedy and Prevention – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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In most cases, mental abuse is not considered torture and the person does not understand its serious negative effects. As a result, mental abuse and psychological abuse are rarely treated, unless it is accompanied by physical or sexual abuse. In addition, any serious adaptation problems, psychosocial problems, emotional attachment problems or significant developmental problems (such as muscle problems, intelligence and language skills) may be treated.

It is very important to fully evaluate the problems before treatment. Because proper treatment plan is needed to cure the problem of mental abuse. This requires a ‘multi-systematic intervention package’, where different mental health professionals (clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers) can work together.

Remedies include family therapy, individual psychotherapy, and special needs medication. However, the most important thing in this case is family therapy. Especially with parents and children who are victims of mental abuse.

Clinical psychologists and counseling psychologists offer this type of psychotherapy.
মূলThe main goal of family therapy is to prevent the cycle of negative interaction with parents and child and to develop a positive relationship. Teach each family member how to respond to the child’s behavior.
করাMake arrangements for the safety of the child. Keeping the child away from the family for a while to protect them from emotional abuse.
সন্তানTraining children in a positive process and controlling negative emotions and behaviors.
Helping parents cope with personal stress and arranging psychotherapy or counseling for their other mental problems.
দেওয়াTo give both parents and children an assertive skill training and to teach them how to express emotions in the right way.
Children who suffer from mental retardation improve if they are removed from their families and taken to another environment where their physical and mental needs are met.
নেওয়াConsult a psychiatrist according to the needs of the child’s physical and mental condition.
ব্যবস্থা Arrange for safe shelter with the help of law if necessary (Assistance of safe shelter center for women, children and adolescents under the Ministry of Law and Arbitration, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs etc. can be taken).

But one thing to keep in mind is that prevention is always more effective than cure. So it is important for every member of the family, especially the parents, to observe certain things for prevention.
হওয়াParents should be mentally prepared before the birth of a child and acquire sufficient knowledge for raising a child.
জানাKnow the stages of a child’s development. Knowing the physical and mental needs of the child at different stages of development and responding to the needs as needed and meeting the needs.
করাExpress emotional feelings towards children. Such as hugging, verbally expressing love, paying attention to them, teaching them to take care of themselves, teaching children to express their true feelings.
Introduce children to daily chores and work with them.
Creating more ‘support systems’ for children in addition to parents. Creating children’s interactions with other family members and relatives, so that they can share emotional feelings with them when needed.

Mental abuse and contempt are relatively rarely detected compared to physical abuse and sexual abuse. The reason for this is that mental abuse is not considered as abuse and lack of adequate knowledge about the stages and needs of the child’s development. In addition, mental torture is insignificant because it is not as visible as physical torture.

Both unintentional neglect and intentional psychological abuse have serious negative effects on every aspect of a child’s development. So, in order for a child to grow up healthy and dream about his or her future, he or she needs to be valued as a person and to take care of his / her body as well as his / her mind.

Kaniz Fatema
Clinical Psychologist, Nasirullah Psychotherapy Unit, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Dhaka.
Prothom Alo, 23 December 2020