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Replace toothbrush after healing from corona – – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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This world of ours is ruined in Corona. In this wave of the second wave, people have been ruined.

It is also heard that people are being attacked again after recovering from corona. People are getting infected with this disease even after getting vaccinated somewhere.

However, experts say that we can stay healthy every day only if we can change some aspects of our daily lifestyle.

There are some things that once done, the chances of getting a second corona can be greatly reduced. Experts say that to stay healthy from corona, one should pay special attention to oral health. Because it can spread from the mouth.

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According to medical experts, in addition to the use of masks, even after recovery from corona, germs can remain in the brushes we use. That is why after recovering from corona, toothbrush and specific scrapers for tongue should be changed.

This will not only reduce the chances of the person having a second corona, but will also reduce the risk of those who use the same washroom being infected.

During a toothbrush, bacteria or viruses spread through the airways and can quickly cause infections throughout the body. If you do not have a mouthwash on hand, you can rinse with lukewarm salt water.

The World Health Organization says the virus is spread from small droplets through the sneezing, coughing, talking or laughing of an infected person. The World Health Organization has also banned the use of nose, eyes and mouth with one’s own hands.

So first of all changing the toothbrush is also part of oral health. If any member of the family is infected with Corona, he must change the brushes, scrapers, towels he uses.

At the same time the corona patient should keep his toothbrush clean (hygiene) regularly. And don’t forget to change the brush quickly after recovering from corona.

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2021-05-09 13:50:04
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