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Research on live bats in Uhan Lab, WHO in the face of questions

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has already been accused of hiding China from the source of the novel coronavirus. But this time, they are being accused of lying, with an old video behind it, which shows that a large number of live bats have been caged in their laboratory. Researchers are conducting experiments with various viruses from their bodies. Earlier, Hu had said that no experiments had been performed on live bats in his laboratory. That is the role of Hu in the face of new questions.

Although the world has been plagued by epidemics for the past year and a half, researchers have yet to reach a definitive conclusion about the source of the deadly virus. However, the SARS covid virus has already been found in the body of bats. A large part of the researchers believe that the virus has entered the human body from there. According to them, the possibility of the virus spreading from that laboratory was strong enough to test live bats. Many countries, including the United States, have repeatedly lashed out at China over it. But it has always been denied by Beijing.

In the meantime, a video from a few years ago has been released by the Australian news channel ‘Skynews’. In May 2016, a four-tier biosafety zone was created in the laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. A video of him was released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to show a herd of live bats in cages. Researchers are feeding the bats with insects after wearing special clothes covered from head to toe. There is a bat hanging on one’s hat. The video shows how the safety test is carried out.

Soon after the video surfaced, new questions began to arise about the statement of Hu’s researchers who went to investigate the source of the corona. Zoologist Peter Dajak was also part of the team that sent Hu to his laboratory. He dismissed the allegations against Uhan’s lab as a conspiracy. Separately, he wrote on Twitter in December 2020, “No bats have been sent to his laboratory for genetic testing. The work of science is different. Samples were collected from the body of the bat and sent to the laboratory. Wherever samples are collected from bats, the rule is to release the bats. ‘

In another tweet, Peter wrote, “The theory of experimenting with bats in his laboratory is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. I have been working with various laboratories for 15 years, leading the research. There are no live bats in that laboratory. There has been no evidence that research has been done on live bats. This is a misconception. Hopefully it will be corrected. Peter later retracted his remarks. Peter said he never asked Uhan researchers if they had ever experimented with live bats. After that, the research institute ‘Drastik’ got the old video about the source of the disease. There was an uproar after it was aired on an Australian channel.

Hu’s role in the whole incident has started anew. But Shi Zhengli, one of the chief virologists at Uhan’s laboratory, again denied experimenting with live bats. He is currently researching coronavirus. He is accused of leading a dangerous experiment with live bats in his laboratory. But a couple of weeks ago, in an interview with The New York Times, Xi said, “How can I prove it? How do I get proof that it never happened? I do not know on what basis the whole world has reached this conclusion. I do not know why the scientists are being slandered. ”

MU / 15 June 2021

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-06-15 21:31:13
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