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Ripe bananas will lengthen hair! – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Hair does not want to grow Many women nowadays have this complaint Polluted environment, stressful life, lack of nutrition all together beauty loss is the problem of most women nowadays. Want to grow hair fast too fast? Then choose the quality of the fruit.
Here is a very simple hair pack making technique with banana for you, with regular use which will make your hair long and black. In a word, what is called Sukeshi 7 Bananas will not only lengthen the hair, but also make it soft and supple. Use collar hair packs at least two days a week.

What do you need?
2 ripe bananas
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon of lemon juice

How to apply?
First make a pack by mixing the three ingredients well.
Apply this pack well on the scalp and hair.
Then wrap the head with a plastic wrap. Wrap a towel around him.
Leave it like this for an hour. Then rinse well with water.