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Robot sandfly can jump from the ground to the roof!

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SandFleaNew built by Boston Dynamics Robot Sandfly jumps can cover distances up to 30 feet. The robot can easily jump over a flat ground if there is any wall or obstruction in front of it, even if it is moving normally on four wheels. Weighing 11 pounds, the sandfly is able to jump directly from one floor to another or from the stairs to the roof.


To keep one’s balance while floating in the air The robot It uses the “Zero Stabilization” method, which gives its built-in camera a clear idea of ​​the surrounding conditions and facilitates a safe landing. Once the sandfly’s battery is fully charged, the robot can make 25 jumps.

SandFlea ...Sandfly wheels are designed to adapt to any adverse conditions during landing. On the outside of each wheel there is a groove-like flexible extension that acts on the slippery and smoothness of the main mechanical unit.

In Boston Dynamics Of the device Research The development was funded by the United States Army, DARP, and Jeddah.

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