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Samsung Galaxy S8 will come with the latest camera

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We all know a little bit about the iPhone components because of its worldwide reputation. The iPhone’s cameras, displays and sensors are all unique in their design. Not only Apple but other companies are also active in maintaining their position in the smartphone market. Samsung is one such company which is a direct competitor of Apple.

Samsung is now looking at the camera. Recently a blog In the post Donghan Zhang, head of Samsung’s R&D (research and development), said the 2015 flagship phone (Galaxy S8) will be able to do whatever the user wants. It will have beautiful pictures in any situation. All the user has to do is press the shutter button. The rest of the work will be done by the camera.

Over the years, we’ve seen Samsung gradually improve their camera. The latest Galaxy Note 4 has improved image quality. In addition to the image quality of the Galaxy S line, the effort to improve on the megapixel scale is also noticeable. Samsung is also focusing on selfies to meet the demand, which will further enhance their front-facing camera.

The most frustrating thing about Samsung is that they only focus on increasing the megapixels in their smartphones, while Apple’s simple camera interface, sensors, speed, etc. have made the iPhone popular. Samsung may bring their next flagship phone Galaxy S8 next March, which will be unveiled at the Mobile World Congress. And then it will be seen how many mega pixels the company adds to their smartphones and what kind of changes are made in image capture.

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