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Samsung has released two new generation smartwatches

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galaxy-gear-2-neo ..South Korean electronics giant Samsung has unveiled two new models of smartwatches. Just five months after the launch of the company’s first smartwatch, the Galaxy Gear, Samsung announced the launch of the second generation of the device.

With the brand names ‘Gear 2’ (pictured right-black) and ‘Gear 2 Neo’ Will come on the market These two new wearable devices. The Gear 2 smartwatch has a built-in camera. But the Gear Neo has no camera. The most notable feature of Samsung’s 2nd generation smartwatches is that they will run on the company’s own ‘Tizen’ operating system. In other words, Tizen said goodbye to Android on this journey from Smartwatch Samsung. In addition, the company has cut the word ‘galaxy’ from the smartwatch name and kept only ‘gear’ branding.

As expected, there have been some improvements in the two new smartwatches. Every gazette has heart rate sensor, bluetooth, music player etc. It also has an infrared sensor which allows the device to be used as a TV remote.

Like the Galaxy Gear (first version), the Gear 2 and Gear Neo 2 have a 1.83 inch (320 x 320p) touchscreen. It has the same storage and RAM as before (4 GB / 512 MB). However, the processor has been upgraded from 600 MHz to 1 GHz.

The Gear 2 smartwatch comes with a 2 megapixel camera along with the main body. As a result, the strip or ribbon can be changed at will. The Gear 2 Neo weighs a little less as it has no camera. Their battery life will be 2-3 days.

As Tizen OS is used in two new smartwatches, it is not certain whether the previous apps will work directly on them or whether a new supported version will be created.

The latest announced smartwatches will hit the market in April. However, Samsung did not say what the price will be.

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