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Scientists have solved a big mystery about the size of sperm

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  • Sperm Sperm. One of the most important part of the original mystery of human civilization.
  • This human civilization is the result of the fertilization mode of the sperm of the male body with the ovum of the female body.
  • No, not only human civilization but all the creatures of the world are created by the union of these two.

This time the digital desk: Sperm Sperm. One of the most important part of the original mystery of human civilization. This human civilization is the result of the fertilization mode of the sperm of the male body with the ovum of the female body. No, not only human civilization but all the creatures of the world are created by the union of these two.

The human body is still a mystery to all the world. Every day new information is coming from it. New information is also coming from different animal bodies. Last January, researchers revealed a new mysterious information about the organism. This latest study by scientists from Stockholm University has been published in the famous journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.

The researchers claim that the size and nature of the sperm of each animal is different. The method of fertilization of each egg is different. Sperm become most active when they come in contact with an egg. But what is the reason for this variety of sperm?

During the study, the sperm of 3000 thousand animals have been tested. The list included aquatic animals, including humans, mammals, birds, insects, and fish. And in that case 21 different features have been found. Sperm cells are the most variable in the body. This volume starts from 0.002 mm. And during fertilization it grows up to 6 cm.

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Scientists have been studying the evolution of biology for the last 100 years, naturally experimenting with this variety of sperm. Their main goal was to find out which of the multiple sperm or sperm the egg chooses and why. Studies have shown that large sperm in size are mainly selected by the egg. However, scientists are still confused about the specific place where sperm and egg meet. The test is in three sections. In the first part, there were fish animals which completed the process of fertilization outside the body. In this case the sperm of the male animal and the egg of the female animal are fertilized in water.

The second part contains some of the lower animals whose sperm and eggs are fertilized inside the veins. This category includes birds, reptiles and some mammals. The third group includes crabs and shrimps. These animals also release sperm outside the body. Female animals contain them inside the body.

At the time of fertilization The size of the sperm Grows up to six times. Once inside the egg, its shape changes rapidly. Sperm that are not fertilized or left the body are much smaller in size. Researchers hope to discover more information on this topic in the future.

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2021-06-28 13:53:09
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