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Scientists new direction to eliminate male infertility!

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  • Male infertility is nothing new.
  • Earlier, all the blame was laid on women for not having children, but later on, medical science proved that infertility can affect everyone, regardless of gender.

This time the digital desk: The marriage has been going on for seven years. But Piyas and Kavita could not be two to three. There have been many doctors. There is a defect in the body of Pius. She is a victim of infertility. They took the help of modern medicine. Did not succeed. They do not see any hope in the future.

Male infertility Nothing new. Earlier, all the blame was laid on women for not having children, but later on, medical science proved that infertility can affect everyone, regardless of gender. In a patriarchal society, men often do not acknowledge infertility. Many do not even believe in infertility because of the superstitions of society and family. But in developed countries, people have confidence in science. Moreover, scientists will not stop research to unravel every mystery of the human body and solve problems. That is why they are constantly inventing something for the betterment of human civilization.

Researchers at the University of Toledo recently found a new direction for male infertility. By examining the new motility of sperm, they got important information about male infertility. Their research paper has been published in the famous journal Nature. That has been published there Sperm It is possible to increase the speed of the tail by artificially increasing the speed at the junction of the head and the tail. That is what the researchers have claimed.

Researchers claim that the centriole of sperm is predominantly immature. Bringing speed to that place is a great discovery. And if it moves regularly then the speed of sperm will increase. As a result, his activism will also increase. And the fast-moving sperm will be more active in fertilizing with the ovum of the female body. As a result, men will be freed from the hands of cursed infertility. It can even play an important role in abortion or birth defects. This new speed dress of Centriole is called ‘Atypical Centriole’.

If the head and tail of the sperm do not move at the same speed, it cannot reach the fertile ovum at the right time. In that case the centriole is defective. Scientists have been able to artificially move that centriolet. And because of this inability of sperm, infertility is seen in men. Scientists hope that this new discovery will solve the long-term problems of men. Scientists have the same hope.

Ordinary people do not understand so much. That is why they are subject to various superstitions. Scientists claim that this problem needs to be explained to the general public. Once they understand the problem, they will become interested in treatment. As a result, scientists and physicians will smile with satisfaction just like the smiles on the faces of childless family members.

This new discovery by scientists is going to show the modern world a new path. Many couples may be relieved of the pain of childlessness. It is now desirable that a healthy human being be born in the new world.

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2021-06-30 14:57:12
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