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See: Special app mentions for famous people on Facebook

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Facebook has created a special app called Mentions for their celebrities or famous users. With this app, Facebook stars can easily stay connected with their fans. The app is not for the general public, but for those who have a verified Facebook account.

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Heroes, singers or players often get the benefit of using this app. But now politicians including journalists can use this app, but for this their account name must have a blue tick mark next to it, that is, the account must be verified.

You may not have my Facebook account verified. So we do not get any name of the Mention app? This is not supposed to happen. And that’s why Business Insider Facebook has released several screenshots of the Mention app so that we can see what it actually looks like.

# The logo of this special mansions app looks like Facebook app but it is gray.

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This is the first screen to see after launching #Mentions.

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The next screen of # explains the features of Facebook Mansions app. As can be seen here it is basically for influencers.

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# Newsfeed looks a lot like the Facebook app for most users but has a blue tick mark for each verified profile or page that helps it scan and find your celebrity friends.

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# If you are a celebrity on Facebook, this page will be full of posts of your fans mentioning you.

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# Here is a comparison image of normal screens and mansions of Facebook where you can see photos, friends, about and many more in the general feed, on the other hand there is no such thing in mansions app but here you can only see your followers because it is one of these apps. The main advantage.

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# Here you can see what mansion users see when they post. There are two options that ordinary people do not get to use when posting. These are: Live Video and Q&A (Q&A).

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The #LiveVideo option allows celebrities to broadcast their videos. It’s a lot like a periscope service but only famous people can use it.

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# Celebrities will also be able to host live Q&A sessions with their fans through the Q&A option.

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So, how did the Facebook Mention app look like? If you have a verified Facebook page or Facebook account From this link You can download the app.

Photo: Business Insider, Facebook

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