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‘Sex is satisfaction’, grandma surprised by grandma’s open discussion

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Own report: Grandmother had a conversation with her granddaughter about what sex is. Netizens also gained knowledge in that conversation. And that’s why they are five-faced in praise of Grandma. When he heard the word ‘sex’, some of them said, ‘Hey daddy!’ And 69-year-old grandma Ajjir objected to that.

Ajji sat down for a discussion with her granddaughter Avanti Nagaral. That video has gone viral on social media. Where grandchildren and great-grandchildren talk openly about sex. Incidentally, Azji was a doctor by profession. He has a long study in Ayurveda.

In the words of Grandmother, ‘I think sex should be formed after marriage. Sex is pleasure. And that should be done with the consent of the other party. However, there is no obligation to have sex after marriage. Emphasis should not be placed on sexual relations without opinion ‘.

Grandma tells her granddaughter, ‘Many people don’t want to use condoms. But, you should think about the person you are having sex with. The other person should not have sex with pain. Because, sex is satisfaction ‘.

Sexual desire starts from the age of 18 years for girls and 25 years for boys. In the case of boys, it may be 20 years, says Azji. Sexuality is born out of physical and emotional attraction towards a person. So you have to enjoy it. It has developed naturally. So there is no reason to listen to the word ‘sex’.

What else did grandma tell her granddaughter about sex?