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Shaomi will block the unofficial phone itself?

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Phones have not yet officially started selling in different countries of the world Shaomi. You may be surprised to know that Xiaomi does not officially sell phones in the United States either. But even after that, various phone sellers in those countries unofficially sell Xiaomi phones. So far, a large number of Xiaomi users have at one time or another used an unofficial Xiaomi device.

Some people may never have bought an official Xiaomi phone in their life. Maybe Xiaomi didn’t go to their country officially at all, or maybe Xiaomi didn’t launch any specific model in some countries. So all in all, even in the countries where Xiaomi officially sells phones, some Xiaomi phone models may not be sold legally.

But have you ever heard that an unofficial Xiaomi phone is being blocked because it is made for another country? The phone is not working, have you ever heard that? If you haven’t heard, listen today.

Several phone users from Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Sudan and Crimea recently reported that their Xiaomi phones were automatically blocked. The phone can no longer be used. Xiaomi does not officially export phones to these countries. That is what they say in their policy There is.

But so far it has been imported unofficially in those countries Shaomi Phone swearing could be used. And so far no such thing has been seen in Shaomi’s policy that they will block unofficial phones.

Yet now Xiaomi itself is blocking Xiaomi phones activated in the above countries. The phones are no longer on. A warning message appears on the black screen, summarizing, “Selling or supplying Xiaomi phones in the country or region where you are trying to activate this product is not permitted under Xiaomi policy. Please contact the seller for more information. ”

Learn from various social media groups and newspaper reports GoesThis has been happening for months. But in the last few weeks, there have been a lot of incidents of Shaomi’s blocking.

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According to reports, after a few days of use, the active Xiaomi phones in the mentioned area are automatically locked. Xiaomi itself is disabling the phones from their servers.

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However, some users are claiming that if the devices had their official region selected when they were first launched, they would not have stopped. That is, if the country for which the phones were made was selected when activating, then the phones would continue to run. Although this claim could not be independently verified. In addition, in this case, you have to face some strange problems while using the phone.

However, many users report that with the installation of custom ROM, those Xiaomi phones are no longer blocked. In other words, those who are running custom ROM, their Xiaomi phone is unofficial, but the oath is running. Now the question is how many people can install custom ROM. Who knows, the phone sellers might come up with a way!

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