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Should you get a 4G SIM now?

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Bangladesh’s mobile phone operators and government authorities are reportedly working to launch 4G, a fourth-generation mobile network service in the country. Going. However, no definite information has been received about when 4G will be launched in Bangladesh. Better 4G services may come this December, or we may have to wait until 2018. However, at least two mobile operators are now encouraging customers to take 4G SIM replacements. But why? Do you need it now? Let’s discuss that.

What is 4G?

Simply put, Forge is 4th generation (after 3G) mobile network technology. 4G/LTEWill provide better wireless network services. This is the most advanced mobile phone network currently operating on a commercial basis.

What are the benefits of Forge?

10 times more than 3G in 4G network Until High speed internet is available, which can be used for better mobile web services, gaming services, IP telephony, HD / 4K TV, 3D TV, video conferencing, advanced cloud computing etc. In fact, we will have to wait until it is launched to know how to get Forge Speed ​​in Bangladesh. But it will be more than 3G.

Why a separate SIM for Forge?

Due to technical reasons, you can only receive 2G and 3G networks with the help of your existing SIM card. 4G network will not support this SIM. There is no other way but to change your SIM card. So today or tomorrow, if you want to enjoy Forge, you must have a Forge supported SIM card. There is no alternative. However, there is nothing to fear, your mobile number will be the same as before, only the SIM card will get new. 4G supported SIMs are known as USIM. They support 2G, 3G and 4G networks.

SIMs that have 4G support will have 4G or U written on them. If you need any information regarding this, please contact the customer service point of the operator. Grameenphone subscribers dial * 121 * 3232 # to know if their SIM supports 4G. In return SMS you will know if your SIM supports 4G.

Will it cost money to get 4G SIM?

At the moment 3G SIM users have to spend money to get 4G SIM by changing the existing SIM. Robi and Airtel customers have to spend Rs 100 to get a 4G SIM by replacing the existing SIM Will be. Grameenphone Star subscribers can get free Forge SIM replacement, but other than Star subscribers will get 110 rupees. It will cost.

How much does 4G cost?

Mobile operators are technically comparable to 4G network services over 3G Is low cost. However, it is not clear how the operators will keep the package tariff in Bangladesh until Forge arrives.

Will your mobile support 4G?

Most of the smartphones that are being sold now support 4G. Check your phone’s specifications to see if it supports 4G / LTE.

Should you take a Forge SIM?

It is not yet certain when the 4G network will come to Bangladesh. Now those who are buying new SIMs are mostly getting 4G supported SIMs. Those who do not have 4G support in their SIM, that is, they have bought it before, they can take Forge SIM replacement now if they want.

However, if you wait till 4G or just before that, you may get free 4G SIM replacement. Or you can get data bonus with Forge SIM for a nominal price. So if you are waiting for such an opportunity, then you have to have a little patience. It depends entirely on your wishes.

Bonus: Features that you must keep on the smartphone

There is no harm in not having 4G SIM right now, but if 4G is coming then for some reason you have to stand in line and take 4G SIM replacement (not sure if there is such a possibility), if you are afraid to take 4G SIM while standing in this line, then your existing SIM now. You can get a 4G supported SIM by changing the card. However, if 4G network is not turned on, you will have to use 3G / 2G network service in 4G SIM.

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