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Sitting at home gaining weight? Eat bread made with oats flour instead of wheat, you will get fruit! – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • Almost everyone has gained weight while sitting at home in lockdown.
  • And weight gain means inviting some more physical problems.
  • As a result of sitting and working continuously, there is pain in the neck and waist. And so everyone has now given a new mind to bodybuilding.

This time the digital desk: Almost everyone has gained weight while sitting at home in lockdown. And weight gain means inviting some more physical problems. As a result of sitting and working continuously, there is pain in the neck and waist. And so everyone has now given a new mind to bodybuilding. However, not only exercise, but also adhere to the diet. Weight loss will be followed by diet and exercise.

They make wheat flour bread for breakfast or dinner. However, if you want to lose weight (weight loss) instead of wheat Oatmeal You can eat bread made with. Oats flour, rich in carbohydrates, helps keep the heart healthy and strong by lowering cholesterol levels. Eating oatmeal bread fills the stomach for a long time, does not get hungry again and again. This helps in weight loss.

How much nutrients are available in oats flour?
100 grams of oats
Protein16.9 grams
Carbs7.3 grams
Sugar0 grams
Fiber10.6 grams
Fat6.9 grams

This flour is gluten free(oats flour)
The gluten in flour, barley, barley, rye, flour is not at all body-friendly. The protein level is about 80 percent Gluten mixes very quickly with cold water to make flour Bread, cakes, pastries and pizzas help to flourish With a lot of air also enters If the gut is not able to digest this protein, it sticks to the lining of the small intestine. Due to which many problems like diarrhea, abdominal pain, mouth ulcers etc. are seen. Oats can be a great alternative in such situations. It is glue free and easily digested.

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Oats flour is delicious
Oats flour is slightly different in taste from other grains. In that case if you want to take a lot of outside ingredients made from flour or other grains then oatmeal is a great option for you. If you like muffins or pancakes, you can too. This will enhance their taste and make you healthier.

Maintains blood sugar levels
It contains Vitamin B, Antioxidants, Fiber, Dietary Fiber and Minerals which are beneficial for your health. Eating oats is beneficial if you have problems with bad cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood. Oats contain soluble fiber, beta glucan, which regulates blood sugar.

Easy to digest
On the one hand, a lot of effort is being made to digest things made from wheat or barley flour. On the other hand, products made from oats are very easy to digest. Oatmeal helps keep you energized for a long time. At the same time, the fiber present in it keeps your stomach for a long time. Its similar properties help you to balance your weight.

Blood pressure control
It is beneficial for those who are suffering from diabetes or those whose blood sugar level has suddenly increased. This prevents the sugar level from rising.
Oats flour is rich in calcium and iron. Where calcium strengthens your bones and teeth. You can also avoid diseases like anemia due to the same iron.

Make oats a part of the flour diet
Oats are one of the healthiest grains in the world, rich in vitamins, minerals and plant compounds. Bt glucans, a type of soluble fiber, provide many health benefits. Regular consumption helps maintain cholesterol, heart disease and low sugar levels. Playing it keeps the stomach full for a long time and frequently reduces appetite.

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2021-06-06 10:16:46
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