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Some amazing facts about Apple that you may not have imagined

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World renowned technology company Apple There is a lot more information beyond what we know. Today’s post is about some amazing and (probably many) unknown facts about this US tech giant and the people behind it. So, let’s get started.

1. Steve Jobs is basically ‘Half-Syrian’.

The father of Apple’s legendary co-founder Steve Jobs was a Syrian citizen. His mother’s name is John Skibble and his father is Syrian immigrant Abdul Fattah Jandali. The two met while studying at the University of Wisconsin in the United States. Steve was adopted after his birth as both parents were students. Steve Jobs was the foster child of Paul Reynold Jobs and Clara Jobs.

Steve Jobs’s car never had a number plate. Because, under California traffic law, a new car can be driven there for six months without a number plate. And Mr. Jobs has never used a car for more than six months!

2. There were actually three Apple founders

Although Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are better known as the founders of Apple, the company had three founders in the beginning. The other one is Ronald Owen, who painted the first Apple logo. But Wayne sold his 10% stake in debt for just 800, with a current value of over বিল 35 billion!

3. Apple’s first computer was priced at 7.6

Apple’s first computer ‘Apple-1’ was priced at ৬৬ 7.6. There is a reason behind this. Presumably, Steve Wozniak liked to repeat numbers, as it is easier to type 500 or 6 to 7.8!

4. Steve Wozniak is still working at Apple!

Mr. Oz is still listed as an Apple employee. Although he is not actively involved, he receives an annual allowance of 120,000.

5. Favorite Apple

Apple uses airways instead of waterways to transport goods. It takes 30 days to ship cargo from China to the United States. But if you take a plane, the cost is a little higher, but the time is only 15 hours. And I left out the pirates!

. Apple Photography

The high-resolution, high-resolution images seen on Apple’s website and in its commercials are not designed by computer programs. Hundreds of high-quality separate close-shot images are paired together.

. The last words of Steve Jobs.

The last word before the death of Steve Jobs, one of the leaders in the world of technology and one-time Apple CEO, was’ oh wow ‘, said Mr. Jobs’ sister Mona Simpson. (Source: The Guardian)

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