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Some frustrating chemistry of love that you must know

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love img ..Valentine’s Day ahead. One of the most ‘loving’ days of the year. You may have many plans around this day. All right, good thing! Let’s take a look at the different types of love In research Some Bitter Facts / Theories That Everybody Should Know

1. Breakup is not just about being isolated!

The word ‘breakup’ is certainly not unfamiliar to you for the sake of drama-cinema or modern culture. It’s not true that breakups always push people away. Sometimes people are even more attracted to the person who refuses, which is also a form of ‘addiction’ Can take!

2. ‘Romantic love’ lasts only 1 year!

Whatever you mean by the English word ‘romantic love’, it has a scientific chemistry. The ‘different feeling of love’ that you have when you are near a loved one is mainly due to the release of chemicals inside the brain. And this happens for about 1 year. Although love lasts longer, it is more ‘romantic’ than before No.

3. Relationship breakdown due to social media

There are very few people who disagree with this. In real life, boyfriends and girlfriends exchange passwords on their social media accounts, such as Facebook. And then create messes with each other’s messageboxes, comments, etc.

4. Heart risks are health risks

The ups and downs of a relationship put a lot of pressure on the mind. The human brain in such a situation ‘Stress hormones‘Excretes, which weakens the immune system and drives the body towards illness.

5. The heart really breaks!

You must have heard the word ‘heart breaking’. Even if we use it metaphorically, the human heart can actually be a victim of ‘breakage’. This ‘Broken heart syndrome’ Known as those that occur due to excessive mental or physical stress. During this time there is a temporary disturbance in the heart muscle.

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