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Some interesting facts about Bitcoin

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Most of the internet users in the world today are more or less familiar with the name Bitcoin. Let me be brief, though. Bitcoin Of the world First of all Open-source cryptocurrency, which does not require any financial institution or clearing house for transactions. It is not a currency issued by the government of any country. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the currency system under a pseudonym. There are various speculations surrounding this coin and its promoter, Which has not yet been revealed. Today we are going to talk about some interesting facts about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin purchase

Many people think that if you want to buy bitcoin, you have to buy 1 bitcoin. However, this is not true. 1 bitcoin current Market price About 360 dollars, which is more than 3 lakh Bangladeshi rupees. You can buy less than 1 (fractional amount) bitcoin. Such as 0.01 bitcoin, even 0.001 bitcoin! Basically if you want to buy bitcoin up to 6 decimal places You can.

Bitcoin demand

Some people think that the price of Bitcoin never goes down, but goes up. This is a Misconception. The stock market can be compared to the market price of Bitcoin. It can decrease or increase at any time.

Transaction tracking

One of the most common misconceptions about Bitcoin is the idea of ​​tracking its transactions. Bitcoin transactions are considered by many to be the most secretive transaction. The fact is that the Bitcoin transaction is not a secret Public. Every bitcoin transaction is an entry in the blockchain Becomes, The information that intelligent users can trace in time. Therefore, it is a misconception that Bitcoin transaction tracking is not possible.

Is Bitcoin the only cryptocurrency?

No. Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency. Stellar, Ethereum, Lightcoin are some of the cryptocurrency markets Exists. However, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency.

3 What is Bitcoin and how it works

Bitcoin mining

Now the main source of Bitcoin Mining, Which is done through special kind of computer. However, the notion that bitcoin mining is possible on any computer is not correct. Even if it is possible, its profit rate will be doubtful. Bitcoin mining requires a lot of computing power and advanced technology to see the benefits.

Total bitcoin supply

You may have found information on many websites on the Internet that the supply of bitcoin is limited. This idea True. A total of 21 million bitcoins will be mined under the existing system. However, the amount of transactions can be greatly increased through fractions.

Bitcoin and the legal system

Is Bitcoin regulated by law? Many may think that it may avoid the eyes of the law as it has a confidential pseudonym, but the use of Bitcoin can be regulated by law. Basically this bitcoin is banned in many countries Done. Bangladesh Bank (Central Bank of Bangladesh) refers to Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies in Bangladesh as “not legal”. Warning notice Revealed Has done. A 2014 report by AFP and the Telegraph Bangladesh Bank has told AFP that bitcoin transactions are a punishable offense in Bangladesh.

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