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Some unknown facts about Netflix

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What is Netflix

Netflix is ​​now the world’s largest on-demand video streaming service. You will find almost all types of movies and TV shows on Netflix. Self-produced programs are also very popular on the Netflix platform. These are called Netflix Originals. Although there is a monthly subscription charge of 8 to 12 dollars, it is not less popular in Bangladesh.

Considering the customers of Bangladesh, the government has recently given Netflix the opportunity to set up a cash server in Bangladesh. Through this, Netflix will be able to provide faster and better streaming facility to Bangladeshi customers.

Netflix What it is may not be unknown to many. However, you may be surprised to learn a lot of unknown information about Netflix. So let’s take a look at some amazing facts about Netflix.

Netflix was the name but not Netflix

Netflix co-founder Mark Randolph Let me knowAt first, Netflix was not called Netflix. The name of their company was “Kibal”. In the beginning they rented DVDs. The company became popular as Netflix after launching a video streaming service.

“House of Cards” is not the first program produced by Netflix

Many people think that “House of Cards” is the first program produced by Netflix. Not really. Although this was their first commercial program, their first Netflix original was a program called “Example Show”. It was a test project they did in 2010. But the funny thing is that it was released for the customers. If you want to know about that humorous 11 minute program This link Find out from

Blockbuster didn’t buy Netflix even though it was cheap

In 2000, Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings asked DVD and video rental service Blockbuster to buy Netflix for 50 million. But for blockbusters, it seems like a big deal Didn’t. Of course, Netflix didn’t have that much power then. They then only traded in DVD rental services. Now the blockbuster situation is much better, and Netflix is ​​shaking the world.

Netflix accounts for 15 percent of the world’s Internet traffic

Although Facebook or Google have a lot of subscribers, Netflix uses a lot of bandwidth as it is a video streaming service. Netflix accounts for 15 percent of the world’s Internet bandwidth used per second Is used.

Netflix once hosted an awards show

2013 The Netflix Academy or the Golden Globe Awards Did. Of course it was totally a fun show. The awards were not solemn.

Netflix is ​​older than Google

Initially, Netflix used to deliver DVDs via mail. Although they started their activities in 1996, they started as a company in 1997. As such, they are one year older than tech giant Google More

Netflix has 195+ million subscribers

3rd quarter of 2020 UntilNetflix has more than 195 million subscribers worldwide. Of these, the United States alone has 63 million subscribers. 190 in the world More People in the country get Netflix service.

Netflix has 6,000 sub-categories

Usually a movie or a TV series is divided into categories by some people. But Netflix is ​​one step ahead. They share their programs with 6,000 people Has done. They call these micro-categories.

Netflix also has paid employees to sit and watch videos all day

Many of us are good at watching movies or series while lying down all day. Netflix but pay people like that Keeping To watch their shows all day long. Of course, their job is not so easy. In addition to viewing, they have to categorize the shows according to the category by tagging them with appropriate metadata. In many cases, the names of the film crew and other crew have to be found and added.

Do you use Netflix?

Bonus: Some unknown strategies to increase the battery backup of a smartphone

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