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Some unknown information about iPhone’s Face ID

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Face ID

The iPhone 10 comes with facial recognition technology Face ID which can scan the user’s face and unlock the phone. Let’s find out some unknown information about Face ID.

The iPhone 10 has been released with the most unique look in the history of the iPhone, which has already been widely praised and discussed. Most of the specs and designs are liked by everyone – except for the notch at the top of the screen. With the exception of fingerprint technology ‘Touch ID’, the iPhone 10 comes with facial recognition technology ‘Face ID’, which can scan the user’s face and unlock the phone. Let’s find out some unknown information about the face ID of iPhone 10.

Face ID will work even in the dark

This Face ID of iPhone 10 will be able to unlock the phone by scanning your face even in the dark. It uses infrared technology. However, at this time the light scattered from the sensor can be noticed.

Only one face will support

The Face ID of the iPhone 10 will only store data related to one’s face at a time. In the case of fingerprints, you can save the fingerprints of different people and different people and give them access to the phone. But Face ID only Of one Face will detect. Which can be deleted to save the face data of others. So if you want to give access to your iPhone 10 to someone else in the family, you have to tell them your passcode.

IPhone 10 and Face ID

User age

If you want to use Face ID, its user must be at least 13 years of age or older Apple. This is because the appearance of younger people changes rapidly and it can be a bit of a problem for the machine learning system to master.


If you want to use Face ID, you first need to set a passcode (PIN number). This passcode will be required if the attempt to unlock the phone with Face ID fails or if you want to change the Face ID. The passcode must be re-entered 48 hours after the phone is turned on and unlocked.

Eyes open or closed?

If you want to unlock iPhone 10 using ‘Face ID’, you have to look at the phone with both eyes open. However, this option can be turned off.

Face ID

“Don’t make mistakes” by looking at masks or pictures

Apple claims that Face ID is so efficient that real users need to be present in front of it. IPhone 10 cannot be unlocked by making a fool of it by showing any picture or mask.

What will happen if you wear scarf, hat, glasses?

If the user registers Face ID without glasses and then tries to unlock iPhone 10 after glasses, that too will work. Not only that, Face ID will work with scarves, hats, hats, sunglasses, contact lenses, Apple said.

App access

Apps that previously used the iPhone’s Touch ID authorization system will automatically get Face ID.

Face ID data protection

All data related to Face ID is stored in the internal chip of iPhone 10. Apple claims, It stays encrypted. Contains 2D images of user faces, depth maps, and 2D infrared images. If the user signs up for Apple’s Face ID diagnostics program, only this data can go to Apple’s servers, which will be shown to the user before uploading.

What is your opinion about ‘Face ID’? How safe and user-friendly would it be? There was an invitation to comment.

Bonus: To know all the amazing features of iPhone 10 Read our this post.

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