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South African Transformed Virus – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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There is generally good protection against the coronavirus vaccine, as we generally know. But in some cases, coronavirus is still occurring after vaccination. Even after taking two doses of vaccine, some people are getting infected with corona. This is called ‘break through’. That is, what is not supposed to happen is happening. Such incidents are very rare, but people’s confidence in the vaccine is a bit shaken.

‘South African mutated virus’, ‘double mutated virus’, ‘non-vaccinated virus’ or Japanese ‘EEK’ virus are being discussed more. People are worried.

But virus experts say everyone needs to be vaccinated, otherwise the corona cannot be eradicated. ‘Hard immunity’ will not be achieved if at least 60-70% of the people in every country of the world cannot be vaccinated.

Here is a question in people’s minds. If you have coronary heart disease after vaccination, can you expect protection? On April 15, 2021, they wrote an analytical article in The New York Times about Pope Parker. It is true that various mutated viruses spread rapidly or cause acute infections, he wrote. But for those who have not been vaccinated, the virus is more frightening. Because they do not have the necessary antibodies in their body. As a result, it is easily infected. Professor of Molecular Medicine at Scripps Research in La Jolla, California. Eric Topol said there was no reason to worry about a mutated corona virus two weeks after the second vaccination.

That’s right, South Africa’s mutated virus or other mutated viruses are an added threat to public health. It is also true that no vaccine provides full protection. The corona vaccine also provides different levels of protection, not the full dose. So even after getting vaccinated, someone can be infected. However, their number is low and the severity of the infection is low. This is one of the benefits of vaccination.

Prominent virologist in the United States. Anthony S. Fawcett said that the importance of vaccination has increased due to various mutated viruses. The coronavirus vaccine works well against a variety of mutated viruses and reduces the severity of infection with a few mutated viruses. If everyone around you is vaccinated, there is no reason to worry about the virus spreading.

If the world’s leading virologists say this so emphatically, then we can be quite confident. But remember, vaccination is not the last word. Even then, for many days, at least until a large part of the population of the country and the world is vaccinated, everyone must follow the rules of hygiene. Many of us don’t care. The consequences can be devastating. Corona infections and deaths are increasing day by day in this country due to our tendency to not follow the hygiene rules.

Problems with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine
The vaccination has been suspended for the time being due to reports of adverse symptoms in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. More than 6 million people in the United States have been vaccinated so far. Johnson & Johnson, the US health agency, said on April 13 that vaccinations would be suspended for the time being after six people fell ill within one to three weeks of receiving the vaccine. Shortly after receiving the vaccine, some of the subjects in question developed serious blood clots. Researchers are investigating the issue of blood clotting. The FDA says anyone who has received the vaccine in the past three weeks should report it immediately if they experience severe headaches, back pain, leg pain or shortness of breath. We will have to wait a while to learn about the symptoms caused by the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

One of the advantages of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is that it does not require two doses, only one dose provides the necessary protection. Vaccination is approved on the basis of urgent need based on the results of clinical trials. The authorities hope that a decision on the vaccine’s application will be made soon after the necessary forensic analysis.

Strict lockdown
At first a few days of loose lockdown is given. After eight days of severe lockdown. Lockdown everyone needs to comply. Because, corona infection is taking horrible shape. Infections and deaths continue to rise. If the lockdown is strictly adhered to in this situation, the corona infection may be brought under control.

However, it is not possible to run the lockdown continuously for a long time. In that case, if we all follow at least three rules, then it is possible to control the infection. The first task is to walk outside the house, shopping or wearing a face mask while working in the office. Make sure the mask covers the nose and mouth completely. If everyone wears a mask outside the house, it is possible to control corona infection. Second, avoid crowds, maintaining a distance of three feet. And thirdly, wash your hands with soap and water from time to time. We have to abide by these three rules for a long time. Then maybe we can control the corona infection by keeping the corona under control and at the same time bringing everyone in the country under vaccination.

Abdul Qayyum, editor of the monthly magazine Science Thought