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SP Page Builder 3 came to create the site you like in minutes

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The world’s leading web app maker Jumshaper today launched the final version of their flagship Joomla Extension SP Page Builder 3, which is eagerly awaited by millions of users across the globe. This final stable version of Page Builder 3 was released today after two alpha, one beta and one release candidate. It comes with the extension’s revolutionary frontend drag-and-drop feature and all the great new features that enable you to create a great website in just a few minutes. Let’s take a look at some amazing features of SP Page Builder 3.

Create site without any kind of coding

The unique feature of SP Page Builder is that you do not need to know any coding to create a website with it. With the help of SP Page Builder, a website of complete professional quality and functionality can be created without writing a single letter of code.

Digital canvas

You can compare SP Page Builder to a digital canvas, where the results of each of your designs and customizations are instantly visible to the naked eye. On any page of the website you will find everything you need, such as pictures, videos, text, contact forms, social media, etc. at your fingertips. When creating or editing a page with Page Builder 3, all these elements will be waiting for you in the sidebar, which you can drag and drop in a moment and use on your site. It’s incredibly simple and convenient.

Site created in minutes

Web page developers around the world are so fond of SP Page Builder 3 because of its fastest site building system. You can launch your website in minutes using the various add-ons, readymade sections and built-in templates of the extension. With the help of page builder you can create a beautiful site without any different design.

Mobile friendly

With the rise of global mobile internet usage, ZumaShaper has built SP Page Builder 3 as a mobile-friendly device for the convenience of all. Earlier versions of the extension were also mobile friendly, which has been improved. The websites you create through this will be 100% responsive and mobile ready. Page Builder 3 has come up with a great feature to make different parts of the site responsive on different device platforms, which has been a dream come true for many.

Whether you’re an experienced web developer or a brand new Joomla! Moya of his own hand. To find out more about this and to download Page Builder on the Zoomshaper site This is the official link Please visit.

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