Twitter has also partnered with Al Arabiya to announce the time of Sehri and Iftar in different places. Write @AlArabiya and #Iftar to know about Iftar time in your city then tweet with hash mark at the beginning of your city name. This time Al Arabiya will send another tweet informing you of your desired information. For example, in the case of Dhaka:
If you want to get an idea about the time of Iftar in Dhaka, tweet: LAlArabiya #Iftar #Dhaka
If you want to get an idea about the last time of Sehri in Dhaka, tweet: LAlArabiya #Imsak #Dhaka
Special warning from Twitter’s Sehri and Iftar time information feature is provided according to the International Timezone, but you For extra caution, find out the time of Iftar and Sehri from local sources like TV / Radio or Newspaper in your own country / city. We welcome this initiative on Twitter, but in important cases like Iftar and Sehri, we think that the exact time should be known from the local media.
Happy Ramadan and Eid to all 🙂
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