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Stay away from sweets? But there is extra sugar hidden in these foods!

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  • If you want, you can’t give up eating sugar overnight, so if you haven’t been able to give up sugar before, don’t get confused.
  • Eating extra sugar is an addiction, you can’t give it up if you want to.
  • Sugar is hidden in many of the foods we eat every day. We have to recognize that and proceed wisely.

This time the digital desk: If you want to eat sugar (Sugar) can not be overnight, so if you before Sugar (Sugar) If you do not want to leave, do not get confused. Eating extra sugar is an addiction, you can’t give it up if you want to. Sugar is hidden in many of the foods we eat every day. We have to recognize that and proceed wisely.

Everyone has a desire to eat healthy food. However, the tongue does not accompany in that case. Foods that are healthier and have more flavor spread from one end of the earth to the other. Only then can you stay away from excess weight, a deadly disease like diabetes. If your doctor or nutritionist has a ban on eating these, then it is best to comply. For those who don’t have any restrictions, focus on ‘Added Sugar’ first.

The WHO recommends that adults eat less than 50 grams of sugar a day, and eat half of it every day if possible. Remember, one can of cold drink contains approximately 40-45 grams of sugar. But it is important to know that not all foods that are supposed to contain sugar are not.

Stay away from all types of processed foods, including breakfast cereals: If possible, rely on packaged ‘ready-to-eat’ foods. From your favorite breakfast cereal to cake-biscuit-yogurt, everything will read. It is usually mixed with various preservatives and sugars to keep the packaged food good for a long time.

Make it a habit to read the labels of any packaged food very well: Not only is sugar always on the packaging of processed foods, but maple-corn-golden-malt syrup, honey, glucose, fructose, etc. may also be on the list. Names like brown sugar, natural sugar etc. can also be seen. Don’t be surprised if you see the names of sweeteners on low-fat, low-sugar labeled food packets.

No more cocktails or mocktails: When you see Sandesh or Laddu, you go away in a hurry, but when you go to a restaurant, you are ordering sweet fresh lime soda? Stop now. A lot of sugar is unknowingly ingested through liquid drinks, the problem is that it cannot be measured properly. Even packaged fruit juices contain extra sugar. Whenever possible you should have a cafe or restaurant ready for you to order.

Increase the amount of protein and fat in the diet: Remember, all the macro nutrients your body needs are protein and fat. You need protein and fat in every match. But yes, the quality of fat you get in a balanced diet like avocado or skim milk will not match ghee. So make a conscious decision. Proteins are of two types, animal and vegetable. Those who cannot tolerate excess of fish-meat-milk-eggs, they eat pulses, nuts, gram, sesame, linseed, flaxseed etc.

If you want to eat sweets, rely on natural ‘whole food’: Keep sweet fruit close at hand. Bananas, coconuts, ripe grapes, apples and even mangoes can continue. Occasionally you can eat dark chocolate.

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2021-06-28 11:52:32
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