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Steve Jobs is not properly portrayed in the movie “Jobs” – Steve Wozniak

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steve-jobs-movieTech giant Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak recently gave one to Bloomberg News In the interview Criticism of the documentary “Jobs” made about Steve Jobs. He said that Apple’s other co-founder in this film Steve Jobs Originally praised one-sidedly. There are many mistakes left in the movie. Mr Wozniak added: “I know a lot of people who have not been given the respect they deserve; I didn’t like seeing it “;

Although Katcher’s performance in the “Jobs” documentary is good, Steve Wozniak thinks that it misrepresents Jobs. Jobs’s shortcomings as a young entrepreneur have been overlooked here, he said.

Steve Wozniak was invited to consult before making the documentary. But Mr. Wozniak could not be happier reading the script. He says it denies Ozniak and his wife hatred.

However Apple The man, once a tireless worker for the company, has expressed positive optimism about the future. Steve Jobs Wozniak disagrees with Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s recent remarks that Apple will gradually erode without it. He said Apple has not yet moved away from the innovation era. Sometimes Apple has bigger surprises than any other company.

Watch the trailer of Jobs movie here

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