Steve Jobs secretly showed Obama the iPhone

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Before becoming president, in 2008 Barack Obama had the opportunity to see the iPhone in an unreleased state. Steve Jobs showed Obama the iPhone before it was released and he liked it a lot.

David Axlord, Barack Obama’s publicity adviser, mentions a secret meeting between Obama and Steve Jobs in a paragraph in his next book, My Forty Years in Politics. Nine-to-five-Mac According to him, this happened before the iPhone hit the market in early 2006.

According to Axlord, after the meeting, Obama said, “If it were legal, I would buy a large portion of Apple’s stock.” It’s going to be a big deal. ”

Apple’s latest quarterly earnings show that the company sold 74.5 million iPhones in the quarter ended December, the highest quarterly profit in Apple’s history. Obama’s idea wasn’t really wrong.

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