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Sudden toothache? You will get fruit in this domestic totka like magic!

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  • Toothache is as painful as dental treatment.
  • Reduce toothache by following some home remedies at home instead of going through painful treatments like tooth extraction and dental surgery.
  • A few home remedies can relieve toothache until you see a doctor.

This time the digital desk: Toothache is as painful as dental treatment. Teeth Reduce toothache by following some home remedies at home instead of going through painful treatments like lifting, dental surgery. A few home remedies can relieve toothache until you see a doctor.

Salt and pepper- Mix equal amount of salt and pepper and make a paste with water. Apply this paste on the teeth and keep it for a few minutes. Even if the toothache is reduced, you will get relief after doing it for a few days.

Garlic- Crush one clove of garlic and mix it with a little salt and apply it on the teeth. If it hurts too much, chew one clove of garlic and eat it. The pain will subside.

Give cold compress-Use ice packs or cold compresses to reduce the pain. Cold compresses are also used to reduce toothache. This cold compress helps to reduce gum swelling or inflammation. Hold an ice bag wrapped in a towel over your damaged area for 20 minutes. This will reduce the pain. Doing this every few hours can reduce the pain.

Onion- The antiseptic properties of onion help to heal any wound or pain. If you have a toothache, chew a piece of raw onion and eat it. If you feel more pain, you will get relief even if you put onion on your teeth.

Guava leaves- If you have a toothache, chew one or two guava leaves and eat it. You will get relief from the pain by inserting the juice of the leaves at the base of the teeth.

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