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Sugar vs. Salt – Which is Bad for Your Health?

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Excessive consumption of both sugar and salt harms the body. But if one of the two is asked to reduce, which one will reduce first, experts said.

SaltPacked barbecue, street food is high in salt. It contains a lot of sodium because of the salt. According to a study published in the journal Life Science, small and limited amounts of salt help maintain fluid balance in the body and keep blood pressure normal. But when the amount is too much, the risk of heart disease increases. It also damages the kidneys.

SugarMost foods are incomplete without sugar. A small amount of sugar does no harm – such an idea has been around for a long time. But a recent study published in the journal Queensland Health claims that even a small amount of sugar is harmful. If the amount of sugar increases, the risk of loss also increases.

According to experts, if one of the two is to be omitted, sugar must be omitted. In their words, just as salt increases the risk of heart disease, so does sugar. Not only that, sugar can also increase blood pressure, fatigue, diabetes levels. Even eating too much sugar gradually reduces the amount of intelligence.

MU / 26 June 2021